Sunday, June 1, 2008

Exercise > Types of Exercise

Types of ExercisesDepending on the purpose for you doing exercise, there are a variety of types of exercise available to you. For example, if you're trying to improve stamina and your circulatory system, aerobic exercise would benefit you.

If you're trying to build muscle, then flexibility and weights would be the proper choice.

Whatever you goals are, you'll be able to find the type of exercise appropriate for you, and an exercise regimen that will of the proper intensity and gradient so that you can win with an exercise program.


Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic ExerciseA successful aerobic exercise program involves frequent physical activity that is rhythmic, repetitive, challenges the circulatory system, and uses large muscles. The exercise program must significantly increase the blood flow to the muscles for an extended period of time, promoting cardiovascular fitness. Such exercises are called isotonic, dynamic, or aerobic. If you want to have a healthy heart, you need to perform aerobic exercise. We'll show you how.

Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility ExercisesFlexibility is an important component of a well-rounded fitness program. Most individuals tend to become tight and stiff with age. It is important to maintain normal flexibility for several reasons. Good flexibility reduces the probability that you will suffer from back pain and other postural types of pain syndromes. Normal flexibility also allows you to attain normal movement patterns in all activities and requires you to expend less energy as you go through your daily activities.

We guide you through several flexibility exercise programs so that you can retain graceful movement as you age.

Strength Training

Strength Training ExercisesMany people don't realize the numerous benefits of a sound strength training program: increases in muscle size (if desired) and tone; increased muscle, tendon, bone, and ligament strength; increased physical performance and appearance; improved metabolic efficiency; and decreased risk of injury. The Strength Training program provides clear explanations, exercise instructions, and customized strength training programs that will allow you to achieve the results you desire.

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