Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Breathing Exercise For Relaxation

Today, people are leading such an unhealthy lifestyle, that somewhere down the line, the quality of life is getting compromised. In the contemporary times, means are available to reach heights, but the way to achieve them is real cumbersome. There is a mad rush going on among people, in which everybody is running after money and that is undoubtedly happening at the cost of something that is really precious and that is our physical and mental fitness.

In this scenario, it becomes of prime importance, to look out for ways to minimize worries and relieve stress. It is here where deep breathing exercises come to play a major role, to help you forget your tensions and enable you to derive peace of mind. But there is a need to follow a proper breathing technique; otherwise it won't be effective enough, to provide you with total body relaxation.

All you need to do to carry out your breathing exercise for relaxation is that, sit comfortably on a chair and close your eyes. Now try to concentrate, so as to stop your mind from wandering here and there. Sit absolutely straight and stretch your arms, resting them on your knees. Now breathe in fresh air and hold this position for a couple of seconds. Then gently exhale out the air. Repeat the exercise for about 5 to 10 times and you'll be able to feel the difference. So, perform deep breathing exercise and experience a complete relaxation of your mind, body and soul.

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