Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bodybuilding Gloves

Gloves have been proving to be very helpful to the mankind in various ways and means. There are many types of gloves that are designed and developed for the specific utilities. Accordingly their material also differs based on its typical usage. The materials that are widely used for manufacturing hand gloves generally include - cotton, wool, asbestos, rubber or latex, leather and literally any types of fabric. Let's consider about the use of gloves in the body building programs.

Many body builders have been using gloves for the better gripping during their certain exercises and workouts including weight bars and also to avoid wearing out of their hard skins from the palms. Some other methods like using the chalk which if rubbed on the hands provide improved grips to greater extent. If the body builders have the sensitive skin or just any other reasons, using the gloves would positively benefit them with better grips. Gloves not only provide the body builders with better grips but it also saves their skin from wearing out due to regular friction.

The most important factors that require to be taken care of while choosing the hand gloves include -

  • The size of gloves should be fitting to the hands, neither tight nor loose
  • The material of the glove should be suitable to its usage
  • The hardness of the glove material to its required strength, and
  • The gloves should be so designed that it allows sufficient air to pass through your fingers and palm avoiding excessive sweating

The ideal glove of the use in body building workouts and exercises should have been made of genuine quality good leather, four way trenches and elastic wrist band made comfortable and strong enough to resist abrasion. Even properly stitched Velcro straps at the wrist side would prove each hand the comfortable fit grips. Properly designed and fitting gloves can improve the grips to great extent and thereby help exhibiting better performances at every stage.

The stability in the wrist duly supported by the best fitting gloves that is designed to stabilize the wrist joints with adjustable yet gentle pressure and keeping the wrist in its appropriate position while attempting to lift serious weight during the training or body building regime for relatively better results. The material or the fabric of such gloves should be easily washable so that it may not stink anytime.

There are many well known and reputed brands now easily readily available in the markets all over the world. So procuring the one that really suits your requirement is hardly the matter of joke precisely. Some of the popular brands like Gold Gym even offer body building gloves having advanced gel grip for providing ultimate resilience and comfort. Such gloves are exclusively made for repeated lifting and all-round training even when the gloves are literally soaked with sweat. The specially fabricated gel lagging in the gloves give wonderful comfort while also ensuring energy absorption. Its gel grip also ensures ultimate durability and comfort.

Bodybuilding Clothing

Workout and exercise is very important for maintaining the overall health and fitness. Similarly choosing the appropriate body building clothes for workout is also equally important. Properly designed and comfortable set of body building clothes provide ease and comforts during the workouts and exercises. Actually, the clothes that the body builder wears for the workouts could have the impact on the efficacy of his exercise program. Anyway, there are people who just do not realize the importance of body building clothing and simply put on any common trousers and t-shirt that are readily available. Even while selecting your clothing for exercising and building muscles, certain considerations are worth taking care of.

The most vital feature while choosing or finding the best clothing is comfort levels. For any effective work out it is required to be able to have free body movements without any obstructions or discomfort. Hence selecting the clothing that permits you restraint free performances are considered to be the most ideal body building clothing. There is hardly any difference between the selections that males, females or teenagers should make. Eventually the best choice has to be the universally accepted and recognized body building clothing is shorts and simple tank top anyway. Such clothes easily permit the body move freely in any directions or angles and also allow the body muscles function without any obstacle that are usually experienced from the tighter fitting clothing.

Sweating is one more significant feature worth considering while selecting the body building clothing, so the fabric of such clothing should be such that help you absorb the sweat away from the body permitting your muscles to burn extra fats easily. The more the body sweats, the more the fat is lost or burnt. Spandex is the recommended fabric as that is believed to be effective enough keeping the sweat in as it can easily hold the body heat. The exerciser should wear the Spandex made sweat pants, but in case if the person sweats more than average then Reebok would be the ideal choice for body building clothes as such clothing gives off peppermint scent when the body sweats. There would be hardly any body builder who would anyway compromise with his clothing at least for the competition he intends to participate in.

Simultaneously it is also equally important for the body builders who are likely to participate in any competitions, exhibiting their body parts and muscles the maximum possible, of course within the legitimate manners anyway. Hence it is rather essential choosing a sort of swim suits in some gracious color that helps the body builders exhibit their sculpted body to the best possible extent. Eventually, if you have not made ideal choice of the body building clothing then it could greatly affect your workout and reduction of the excess body fat as well. Hence, so far the selection of your clothing is concerned; it should be given prime importance. Comfort level has great importance in the life for any activities. Thus choosing the appropriate body building clothing could well be stated as one of the vital component of body building workout.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barbell Bench Press

Target Muscles

Pectoralis major (mid chest).
Also used Anterior deltoids, Triceps.

Starting Position

  • Lie on your back on a flat bench, ideally with an attached barbell rack. If you have an excessive arch in your back, place your feet on the end of the bench or on a low step.
  • Hold the bar, with your hands just over shoulder-width apart, palms facing forwards.
  • Remove the bar from the barbell rack and position it directly over your chest with your arms fully extended (but not locked).

The Movement

  • Slowly lower the bar down to your chest. The bar should touch your upper chest just above your nipple line. Hold for a count of two.
  • Push the bar upwards in a slightly back­wards arc so that it ends up over your shoulders.


  • Keep your hips firmly on the bench. If you lift your hips to generate leverage, you will risk lower-back strain.
  • Do not arch your back as you push the bar upwards or you will reduce the amount of work done by the chest.
  • Do not bounce the bar off your chest or use the momentum of the weight to complete the repetition. Again, this reduces the amount of chest work and risks injury to the chest muscles.
  • Keep your palms facing forwards and your wrists straight.


Wide grip
Using a grip one and a half times shoulder­width apart places more emphasis on the pectorals (especially the outer part) and less on the triceps.

Narrow grip
Using a shoulder-width grip places more em­phasis on the triceps and the inner pectorals.

The press may be performed on a Smith machine or a chest press machine. This has the advantage of being safer and not requiring a spotter to pass you the bar. However, you are locked into a fixed, vertical plane of movement that does not accommodate the natural arc of the movement so that there is therefore less of a contribution from the accessory muscles. As a result the muscles gain less stimulation compared with a free-weight bench press.

Building Lean Body Mass

Body building has been in great demands for both the sexes since past many years all over the world. More and more people have been found exercising for building their strong and fit stature. Body building exercises involve various factors like regular recommended work outs, aerobics and adequate intake of nutritious foods besides ample resting periods. We all very well know that nutrition always play the most significant role in body building goals. Shredding out excess fat from the body and simultaneously ingesting added amounts of calories is the basic consideration for opting body building exercise.

Perfectly curved abs, shapely legs, toned arms could be attained by enhancing the lean body mass and simultaneously diminishing the body fat proportions. Stimulate the metabolism, boost the stamina levels and generate the lean body simply by following the below given guidelines.

For building muscles and losing weight, consider ingesting foods with high in protein but low in fat -

Lean beef, skinless chicken and fish would provide about 7 grams of protein per ounce. Even beans could provide 6 grams per ½ cooked cup, and rice or other cereal grains provide about 3 grams per ½ cup serving. But a cup full of milk or yogurt provides 8 grams of protein. Thus it is rather easy to fulfill the total basic protein quota from just 6 to 8 oz of meat, 2 to 3 servings of dairy products and 6 to 8 servings of cereals each day on an average.

Strength training for building the lean body mass -

It is believed that only the properly done weight training can efficiently build the lean mass. One must train hard if he is seriously willing to build stronger and larger muscles. One can easily expect doubling his strength and remarkable size to his body through effective weight lifting techniques. Lean mass is considered as the metabolic engine of the body which permits the body to burn more calories at rest. Thus when the person trains with weights on routine basis, he converts his body into the fat burning machine. One should work on the vital muscle groups such as thighs, hamstrings, rear ends, back, chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen, but try to maintain workouts shorter, heavier yet concentrated.

Target for the healthy body fat proportion -

Developing the energy deficiency is the best way to lose body fat through exercising more and eating less. Low carbohydrate diets do not show any wonders singly, anyway. Try to maintain the body fat proportions levels like: for women 15 to 20 percent is lean, 20 to 25 percent is normal, 26 to 32 percent is considered as over fat and 33 percent or above is of course obese. Although restricting the calorie intake try to alter the diet habits towards protein, healthy fats like essential fatty acids, dietary fibers and glycemic carbohydrate intake.

Monitor the body fat proportions regularly -

This could be done with the help of body fat analyzer or body fat scale before initiating any alterations in the diets or exercises. It would help you to check your progress. Record the body fat proportion, lean body mass, body weight as well as body measurements by renewing them every week.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Teen Bodybuilding

The concept of teen body building has been greatly attaining the popularity all over the world now. The teens prefer body building perhaps for self respect as well as impressing the girls. Body building gives the teenagers a state of self confidence when they watch their enlarged muscles. It sounds a bit odd when we think of a boy of just 13 going to gym for body building workouts, but according as revealed by the research, there is in fact no age blockade for the teenagers to start body building. The teens on an average, in the world today are rather stronger and bigger than teens in the olden times. Their statures are now more prepared to face the exertions at the gym while undergoing body building workouts. Overall, the body building workouts are in no way tougher than playing any sports, it is just the demand in the body and nothing more precisely.

Teen body building is considered to be okay with a boy of 15 years of age, but even in fact we see that even the boys of just 13 or 14 years of age also are already better developed beyond their age. Though the growth is still on for such teens but body building is believed to simply re-implementing their strength. Anyway, so far the teen body building is concerned; the core area should be the program especially designed and developed for building the all-round stature for better health and athletics instead of merely for the sake of enlarging their muscle size. It is important to check that the teens in any case do not burn more calories and take required supplements too. The most statistics at present exhibit that the teen on an average are getting more obese, hence it is rather advisable that they pick up teen body building.

The parents or the guardians of the teens should start monitoring their teen's calorie intake besides managing their necessary supplements for the teen body building, if they opt for the body building. This is more required just because the teenagers hardly get time ingesting six meals every day as most of their time is passed in the schools only. Making them eat protein bars would be an ideal option in such cases. Teen body building is not very different from that of the regular male body building regimens anyway. They just have to gap their meals for every 2 to 3 hours which is 5 to 6 times during the day. This is quite possible for the teens going to the high schools or colleges as they get 5 minutes breaks for walking down to their respective class-rooms. Thus precisely only 2 meals have to be accommodated in addition to the break-fast, lunch and dinner.

In teen body building regime the diet should essentially be the same as that of the adult i.e. rich in proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates and fibers etc. however, unless the teen crosses 18 years of his age, he should not be given Creatine monohydrate. They should not be allowed to train single muscle group consecutively for two days by any means, neither should they be over trained. Allowing them take sufficient rest is highly required.

Bodybuilding Gloves

Gloves have been proving to be very helpful to the mankind in various ways and means. There are many types of gloves that are designed and developed for the specific utilities. Accordingly their material also differs based on its typical usage. The materials that are widely used for manufacturing hand gloves generally include - cotton, wool, asbestos, rubber or latex, leather and literally any types of fabric. Let's consider about the use of gloves in the body building programs.

Many body builders have been using gloves for the better gripping during their certain exercises and workouts including weight bars and also to avoid wearing out of their hard skins from the palms. Some other methods like using the chalk which if rubbed on the hands provide improved grips to greater extent. If the body builders have the sensitive skin or just any other reasons, using the gloves would positively benefit them with better grips. Gloves not only provide the body builders with better grips but it also saves their skin from wearing out due to regular friction.

The most important factors that require to be taken care of while choosing the hand gloves include -

  • The size of gloves should be fitting to the hands, neither tight nor loose
  • The material of the glove should be suitable to its usage
  • The hardness of the glove material to its required strength, and
  • The gloves should be so designed that it allows sufficient air to pass through your fingers and palm avoiding excessive sweating

The ideal glove of the use in body building workouts and exercises should have been made of genuine quality good leather, four way trenches and elastic wrist band made comfortable and strong enough to resist abrasion. Even properly stitched Velcro straps at the wrist side would prove each hand the comfortable fit grips. Properly designed and fitting gloves can improve the grips to great extent and thereby help exhibiting better performances at every stage.

The stability in the wrist duly supported by the best fitting gloves that is designed to stabilize the wrist joints with adjustable yet gentle pressure and keeping the wrist in its appropriate position while attempting to lift serious weight during the training or body building regime for relatively better results. The material or the fabric of such gloves should be easily washable so that it may not stink anytime.

There are many well known and reputed brands now easily readily available in the markets all over the world. So procuring the one that really suits your requirement is hardly the matter of joke precisely. Some of the popular brands like Gold Gym even offer body building gloves having advanced gel grip for providing ultimate resilience and comfort. Such gloves are exclusively made for repeated lifting and all-round training even when the gloves are literally soaked with sweat. The specially fabricated gel lagging in the gloves give wonderful comfort while also ensuring energy absorption. Its gel grip also ensures ultimate durability and comfort.

Safety Precautions and Basic Gym Safety

The safety factor at any point of time in the life has always been given priority by the human-being. Before doing anything, the most significant aspect taken into prime consideration is of course safety, like someone has rightly said: 'Safety First'. In case of the exercises, for obtaining the optimal benefits out of workouts during the strength training or power training regimen, assured safety boosts the body builder's confidence. As he is feels guarded against probable injuries or other complications. But for that it is very important for the body builder to understand and adhere to all the recommended precautionary measures. Some of such safety recommendations are appended below:

Get the comprehensive physical check up before initiating the strength training program. Perhaps you would be directed to alter or even avert weight lifting especially if you are facing the muscle or joint problems, seizure disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure of hypertension, have had any injuries in the recent past or any other unwanted physical condition that may be prone to serious consequences or endanger your life.

Always ensure incorporating warm-ups, stretching or flexibility and cooling down into your routine program. This may help you diminishing the risk of injuries by raising your blood flow and hindering the muscles for the work that you are supposed to do. By using the appropriate lifting form is essential not only to work the muscles accurately but also for averting injuries. Try to do the exercises in full swing but slow pace and controlled method.

While initiating the fresh weight lifting program or the fresh exercise, start with lighter weights buy choosing the weight that you are comfortable with and do the warm-up set of 15 repetitions. Then gradually add more weight to reach to your optimal strength and maintain that level effectively.

However, during the initial few weeks of your workouts, attempting to the total muscle fatigue by using the challenging weight is not ideal move anyway. While trying the new weight or the fresh routine, the intention should be practicing and perfecting the technique and learn the method of concentrating on the muscle that your are exercising.

Proper breathing technique plays the vital role in weight lifting program, like by holding the breath while lifting the weight you may be at risk of raised blood pressure and famish your brain of oxygen. You should try to exhale during the main exertion phase, and inhale during the phase wherein your resist and come back gradually.

Ensure that the exercise equipments are not lying around in the workout room avoid stumble over. Ensure using collars to stop weights from falling off the barbells. Also keep your hands way from the chains, cams, pulleys as well as weight plates or exercise machines while they are being used.

While selecting the weight for exercising machine, ensure pushing the pin-in without fail. Wearing the weight lifting belt especially while undergoing the exercise that generates stress on the lower back like bent-over lifts like squats or barbell rows, is essential.

Safety Precautions and Basic Gym Safety

The safety factor at any point of time in the life has always been given priority by the human-being. Before doing anything, the most significant aspect taken into prime consideration is of course safety, like someone has rightly said: 'Safety First'. In case of the exercises, for obtaining the optimal benefits out of workouts during the strength training or power training regimen, assured safety boosts the body builder's confidence. As he is feels guarded against probable injuries or other complications. But for that it is very important for the body builder to understand and adhere to all the recommended precautionary measures. Some of such safety recommendations are appended below:

Get the comprehensive physical check up before initiating the strength training program. Perhaps you would be directed to alter or even avert weight lifting especially if you are facing the muscle or joint problems, seizure disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure of hypertension, have had any injuries in the recent past or any other unwanted physical condition that may be prone to serious consequences or endanger your life.

Always ensure incorporating warm-ups, stretching or flexibility and cooling down into your routine program. This may help you diminishing the risk of injuries by raising your blood flow and hindering the muscles for the work that you are supposed to do. By using the appropriate lifting form is essential not only to work the muscles accurately but also for averting injuries. Try to do the exercises in full swing but slow pace and controlled method.

While initiating the fresh weight lifting program or the fresh exercise, start with lighter weights buy choosing the weight that you are comfortable with and do the warm-up set of 15 repetitions. Then gradually add more weight to reach to your optimal strength and maintain that level effectively.

However, during the initial few weeks of your workouts, attempting to the total muscle fatigue by using the challenging weight is not ideal move anyway. While trying the new weight or the fresh routine, the intention should be practicing and perfecting the technique and learn the method of concentrating on the muscle that your are exercising.

Proper breathing technique plays the vital role in weight lifting program, like by holding the breath while lifting the weight you may be at risk of raised blood pressure and famish your brain of oxygen. You should try to exhale during the main exertion phase, and inhale during the phase wherein your resist and come back gradually.

Ensure that the exercise equipments are not lying around in the workout room avoid stumble over. Ensure using collars to stop weights from falling off the barbells. Also keep your hands way from the chains, cams, pulleys as well as weight plates or exercise machines while they are being used.

While selecting the weight for exercising machine, ensure pushing the pin-in without fail. Wearing the weight lifting belt especially while undergoing the exercise that generates stress on the lower back like bent-over lifts like squats or barbell rows, is essential.

Bodybuilding Exercise Addiction

The addiction means the compulsion or dependence on the typical habit. The term addiction is widely associated with drugs, alcohols, gambling or just anything of similar bad habits. There are some people who are literally addicted to exercises. For them the exercises are becoming compulsive to the extent like physically, psychologically and emotionally which perhaps is considered as vicious as drugs. However, like other addictions, the requirement to compulsive exercise is directed by the array of motivations. These could incorporate avoidance, temper treatment, aspiration for controlling and overall for surviving with life.

Though exercise addiction is scarce but may escalate along with changes in the exercise patterns, especially as exercise is ethnically accepted or even admired. It is commonly believed that exercise addiction is correlated to the eating disarray anorexia nervosa, which does affect to hardly 1 percent of the population. The typical feelings of exercising of course intervenes major features of the routine life. Irrespective of kind, any addiction is considered to be progressive. Moreover, exercise can turn the organizing principle in anybody's life at the cost of non-exercise activities or relationships, family or work etc. Even there may the intensifying expectation or obsession as well as the progressive need to generate the exercise opportunities.

Exercise addiction could cause various symptoms such as: the decreasing efficacy of behavioral attitude, depression, anxiety, social or emotional loneliness, and disturbed sleep habits etc. Besides this, the addicted person would progressively become deceitful, cynical or suspicious and mysterious in practicing or increasing the exercise opportunities. Also it is found that the exercise addict would diminish and substantiate to safeguard what is progressively becoming pathological behavior. The vicious circle of addiction states that while trying to deal with such problems, the person would more aggressively and decisively engage in addictive behavior. From the addict's viewpoint, it could seem impossible to arrest such vicious circle without any help. Chronic exercise addiction could however be relentlessly unbearable condition evaluating clinical interference or even hospitalization in some typical cases.

The individuals who have been affected or addicted to exercising are generally distinguished by their compulsive exercise behaviors, excessive participation in exercise as well as presence of the activity disorder which means they exercise at an interval, intensity and frequency in excess than necessary for any sport. The inflexible schedule of powerful exercise is sustained in association with strong feelings of guiltiness when such exercise schedule or routine is dishonored. The exercise addicts willingly dislike skipping their exercising routines, but by chance they even skip the schedule, they would overdo their exercise during their next routine after such skip. It is also most common that the exercise addicts may bunk their schools, avoid or miss out the social occasions for their exercise workouts.

The severity of the addiction can also rich so high that even in case of any illness or in the state of tiredness, they don't wish to skip their exercise routine and maintain the detailed journal of their workouts. Besides this, the exercise addiction can even lead to disordered eating behaviors too.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Importance of Concentration During Your Workouts

The term concentration does not mean attempting to thrust the notions or neither even scrutinizing nor deliberating. Concentration does not mean viewing or focusing about the past or future either. Neither it is straining or struggle paying attention to, nor gritting the teeth and tensing the muscles or using self-discipline. Concentration is attentiveness or awareness or focusing on the particular subject or activity. Proper concentration needs peaceful and alert mind. Concentration has great importance in strength training which is also known as power training for improving the physical presentations by using the mind's eye to practice or review the skill. Concentration is also very important in any sports activities as it helps enhancing the player's ability to focus precisely on the game part.

Concentration during any potential work outs by the body builders is highly essential to avert any damages or injuries to the muscles or tissues and joints during the exercising sessions. Weight lifting is the exercise that demands concentrating most seriously as any negligible lacuna or miss out may lead to serious consequences. Thorough concentration during any kind of workout is also significant as it helps the performer attain the best possible results. You will be surprised to know that majority of the most solemn and skilled strength training instructors would always state that the strength training is eighty percent of brainwork which could also mean concentration and just twenty percent of physical work. The statement is very true as the appropriate concentration on the form and the muscles that the body builder is working on and the outcomes that the person attains would be below optimal only.

The expert body builders and strength training instructors suggest that necessary concentration should always be paid while performing the strength training techniques and focal point of center should then be the muscles being worked for. Attempts should be made for concluding the workouts without centering on the nature of the motion being concluded. This may end up in meager work out with negligible stimulus of the muscles. The bottom line is that before initiating any kind of exercise programs or work outs, try to thoroughly understand the significance of the aimed muscle groups as muscle building is the individual exercise and it is the exercise that greatly demands the best of the concentration. It may help having the buddy method wherein your buddy or friend assists you and motivates you from time to time at all stages of your work outs.

The skill of concentration is usually practiced daily during the strength training work outs or other exercises like swimming or biking etc. The exerciser has to concentrate about the other contenders or players in the event. Attempting to have the realistic training for concentrating while facing such conditions during the work outs may help you sharpen or precise your ability of switching between slender and wide focuses. Boosting up the concentration needs to undergo certain effective exercises for instance, read a book or magazine or just anything sitting in front of the television and try reading the material for as long as you can while watching the television simultaneously. Once the target portion of the book is read thoroughly, focus on the TV for about a minute and then switch back to the book. Once you are through in such practice, your concentration levels will be touching remarkable heights. That is what highly required while practicing the strength training work outs.

Importance of Concentration During Your Workouts

The term concentration does not mean attempting to thrust the notions or neither even scrutinizing nor deliberating. Concentration does not mean viewing or focusing about the past or future either. Neither it is straining or struggle paying attention to, nor gritting the teeth and tensing the muscles or using self-discipline. Concentration is attentiveness or awareness or focusing on the particular subject or activity. Proper concentration needs peaceful and alert mind. Concentration has great importance in strength training which is also known as power training for improving the physical presentations by using the mind's eye to practice or review the skill. Concentration is also very important in any sports activities as it helps enhancing the player's ability to focus precisely on the game part.

Concentration during any potential work outs by the body builders is highly essential to avert any damages or injuries to the muscles or tissues and joints during the exercising sessions. Weight lifting is the exercise that demands concentrating most seriously as any negligible lacuna or miss out may lead to serious consequences. Thorough concentration during any kind of workout is also significant as it helps the performer attain the best possible results. You will be surprised to know that majority of the most solemn and skilled strength training instructors would always state that the strength training is eighty percent of brainwork which could also mean concentration and just twenty percent of physical work. The statement is very true as the appropriate concentration on the form and the muscles that the body builder is working on and the outcomes that the person attains would be below optimal only.

The expert body builders and strength training instructors suggest that necessary concentration should always be paid while performing the strength training techniques and focal point of center should then be the muscles being worked for. Attempts should be made for concluding the workouts without centering on the nature of the motion being concluded. This may end up in meager work out with negligible stimulus of the muscles. The bottom line is that before initiating any kind of exercise programs or work outs, try to thoroughly understand the significance of the aimed muscle groups as muscle building is the individual exercise and it is the exercise that greatly demands the best of the concentration. It may help having the buddy method wherein your buddy or friend assists you and motivates you from time to time at all stages of your work outs.

The skill of concentration is usually practiced daily during the strength training work outs or other exercises like swimming or biking etc. The exerciser has to concentrate about the other contenders or players in the event. Attempting to have the realistic training for concentrating while facing such conditions during the work outs may help you sharpen or precise your ability of switching between slender and wide focuses. Boosting up the concentration needs to undergo certain effective exercises for instance, read a book or magazine or just anything sitting in front of the television and try reading the material for as long as you can while watching the television simultaneously. Once the target portion of the book is read thoroughly, focus on the TV for about a minute and then switch back to the book. Once you are through in such practice, your concentration levels will be touching remarkable heights. That is what highly required while practicing the strength training work outs.

Female Bodybuilding

The female body building has been gaining immense popularity gradually all over the world. More and more women nowadays wish to attain near-perfection evenness to their bodies by having characterized curvatures in all the right places. Females have identified the vitality of body building workouts for developing their muscles firm and toned. The well formed muscles gained through proper work outs can help shape up the most beautiful and symmetrical body and also improve the physical strength and health conditions.

Female body building does not vary much as compared to the male body building. Both men and women have the identical numbers of muscles that are believed to expand and shrink in the similar manners during the physical workouts. The major difference between the two genders is that the males have testosterone - the muscle building hormone but the females have estrogen which is the fat storing hormone. But it does not however mean that women are more likely to gain weight as compared to men. Females working out satisfactorily can easily burn out fat and build more muscles.

Many women simply do not agree to go for body building because they think that if they discontinue exercising or working out their muscles would get converted into the fat. This is however, the most common misbelieve. No muscles could be ever transformed into the fat as both of them are quite diverse tissues. Fat are formed from the unburned calories that get stored in the body when the calorie ingestion of the person remains unutilized and physical activities are decreased or ceased. This is applicable to all the people including body builders. When the body builders grow older or gets retired, they would ultimately gain weight as their metabolism system inhibits and their physical activities too diminish.

Body building has various benefits for the females particularly when performed properly and that too on the regular basis. Anyway, without hard working, willpower and endurance, females could never attain the physical appearance they wish. They would be left to settle with their original body shapes only. The solution for female body building is multiplicity; none of them want their arms to become flabby and weaker. While considering the workout routines for the females, one should look at the complete aspects. They not only require the great cardio management, but also needs some weight training exercises also.

Irrespective of what one likes, the aim is yet the same only. One wants to have the killer body and yet keep it all for the infinity. The thing which is worth remembering is that the workout routines for females are of course not the same as that of the males. The women of the world need taking some what diverse approach. Women are naturally built quite differently and bulking up is not an easy thing to do. The woman can boost her metabolism if she starts systematic weight training for getting the fit and stronger body within just a few weeks. Most advanced fitness routines for females entail some weight training. Weight training never means that it makes the body bulky anyway.

Female Bodybuilding

The female body building has been gaining immense popularity gradually all over the world. More and more women nowadays wish to attain near-perfection evenness to their bodies by having characterized curvatures in all the right places. Females have identified the vitality of body building workouts for developing their muscles firm and toned. The well formed muscles gained through proper work outs can help shape up the most beautiful and symmetrical body and also improve the physical strength and health conditions.

Female body building does not vary much as compared to the male body building. Both men and women have the identical numbers of muscles that are believed to expand and shrink in the similar manners during the physical workouts. The major difference between the two genders is that the males have testosterone - the muscle building hormone but the females have estrogen which is the fat storing hormone. But it does not however mean that women are more likely to gain weight as compared to men. Females working out satisfactorily can easily burn out fat and build more muscles.

Many women simply do not agree to go for body building because they think that if they discontinue exercising or working out their muscles would get converted into the fat. This is however, the most common misbelieve. No muscles could be ever transformed into the fat as both of them are quite diverse tissues. Fat are formed from the unburned calories that get stored in the body when the calorie ingestion of the person remains unutilized and physical activities are decreased or ceased. This is applicable to all the people including body builders. When the body builders grow older or gets retired, they would ultimately gain weight as their metabolism system inhibits and their physical activities too diminish.

Body building has various benefits for the females particularly when performed properly and that too on the regular basis. Anyway, without hard working, willpower and endurance, females could never attain the physical appearance they wish. They would be left to settle with their original body shapes only. The solution for female body building is multiplicity; none of them want their arms to become flabby and weaker. While considering the workout routines for the females, one should look at the complete aspects. They not only require the great cardio management, but also needs some weight training exercises also.

Irrespective of what one likes, the aim is yet the same only. One wants to have the killer body and yet keep it all for the infinity. The thing which is worth remembering is that the workout routines for females are of course not the same as that of the males. The women of the world need taking some what diverse approach. Women are naturally built quite differently and bulking up is not an easy thing to do. The woman can boost her metabolism if she starts systematic weight training for getting the fit and stronger body within just a few weeks. Most advanced fitness routines for females entail some weight training. Weight training never means that it makes the body bulky anyway.

Bodybuilding Diet Plan

Initiating the fresh nutrition plan is difficult enough typically in case of the beginners. You can simply evaluate the following principals that are proven for success for building the muscles and adding mass, provided you are genuinely looking for structuring the ideal diet plans. Body building nutrition is not required to be the assignment anyway, as many people consider it to be. The person does not have to starve in any case as the body building diet plan is very healthy and it usually entails all the essential food groups to make it the comprehensive nutrition solution that one could easily integrate into his routine lifestyle. The ideal nutritional diet plan unconditionally entails all of the crucial components for health including muscle growth.

Hence the body building diet plan has to be protein rich as well as having the healthy fats as compared to most of the other diets. Such diet plans are also rich in energy effective carbohydrates and uses quite a different kind of foods as compared with the foods that the general people ingest in their routine eating habits. However, the body building diets hardly entail most of the junk foods as well as other unhealthy recipes including candy that are full of regular sugars, fried foods of any description, products prepared by using the white flour and alcohol. If the person is willing to lead the healthy lifestyle the he must obviously inhibit his intake of such unhealthy food articles or preparations by all means.

Try to evaluate the following body building diet plan that would work better for just any body that is sincerely targeting to add to his muscle mass. Then person is required to increase or decrease the amount of foods ingested based on his or her typical body weight and body fat levels.

Meal 1: It should incorporate 6 egg whites, 1 yolk, 2 slices of low cheese, 3 oz of oatmeal, 1 apple or banana and 1 cup of low fat milk.

Meal 2: Take 6 oz tuna in water, 1 whole wheat bread roll, 1 tablespoon low fat mayo and 1 tomato.

Meal 3: 8oz of grilled chicken breast, 2 potatoes baked and salads 2 cups & low fat dressing.

Meal 4: Turkey breast 4 oz, 2 slices of toast made from the whole wheat, 2 slices of low fat cheese and 1 cup of low fat milk.

Meal 5: 8 oz of grilled steak, brown rice 1 and ½ cup, steamed vegetables or salads 2 cups and 2 table spoons of olive oil for its dressing.

Meal 6: take 6 egg whites, 1 yolk, ½ cup oatmeal and 1 cup of low fat milk.

The multivitamin supplement could also be included for ensuring the intake of all the required micronutrients necessary for adequate muscle growth and recovery. Such ideal body building diet plan would provide all the significant proteins for muscle building, carbohydrates for providing plenty of energy and glycogen replacement as well as healthy fats for surplus calories. It is recommended to maintain three hour's gap between the two meals and ingest plenty of water in between the meals through out the day is highly recommended for the optimal results.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bodybuilding Principles

Body building is not something that is just meant for those who target gaining immense muscles or just getting super strong. If anyone wishes to improve his or her body shape in any way, for instance, becoming firmer, more curvatures at the appropriate places, slimmer at the most deserving places, more upright or merely with the more articulated profile, he or she has to undergo certain body building activities. Moreover, some sort of slimming programs may too be required to be accompanied. So follow the recommended body building principles and get along for building the body of your dream shape.

Let me ask you whether you are quite sure of building your muscles faster, or do the recent outcomes that you have been coming across all these days match your ideas on the way to build the muscle mass! In fact, there are some vital facts about the body building conception that are required to be thoroughly understood.

There are a couple of basic components like Diet and Exercise of the body building principles. If the person does not eat properly, his body would not be able to recover from the exercises, and if he does not exercise then his body would not be as healthy. Also he would lead to lose all his muscle mass which most importantly he would like to maintain. Even the supplements and accessories are equally important factors worth evaluating. Before initiating the new plan, better take all you measurements like shoulders, chest, waist, hips, upper arms, forearms, thighs and calves etc so that it can help you monitor your progress.

Simply using the body weight as the bench mark could be quite misleading as when you are strengthening and developing your muscle mass, and simultaneously you are also doing cardio for burning out excess fats. You can in fact gain a few pounds or even maintain the same body weight all the while you just lose a few inches from the most problematic areas of your body. When evaluating your loss of a few inches around the waist area would definitely delight you more than knowing the fact that you have gained a couple of pounds in the body weight.

The first thing that is required to be done is ascertaining the goal like what you sincerely wish to achieve through your fitness training. Based on what you come up with, you would determine the number of days you want to train per week. Given below are the four simple steps that you can try with for learning about building the bigger muscles in your workouts:

Principally focusing on the strength -
If you really want to build the muscles faster, it is truly the best approach worth taking. The basic aim should however be building the vast chest muscles and bulging biceps.

Keep out-doing the previous one best -
The muscles must be given reason to grow which means subjecting the muscle fibers to adequate stress to force them to grow bigger so that some workload is easier dealing with next time around.

Recover completely between each workout -
If you are subjecting the muscles to specific stress for building up the muscles quicker then you may require allowing your body adequate time for recovering between the two workouts.

Eat as much as you can -
The sufficient ingestion of healthy calories every day is highly essential if you are really willing to build up the bigger muscle mass.

Bodybuilding Programs

There are several factors that incorporate muscles size. The intention of the body building program is to make the body healthy enough to achieve rapid and most effective recovery as well as repairing the damaged tissues without adding any surplus body fats. Being the body builder one must maintain the positive calorie balance which helps the muscles to develop and for this, one has to eat much more than his body would require usually. This need makes the diet too as crucial as training for the body builders. They are therefore highly required to eat the right food if the right quantity. If the unhealthy food is taken in the inappropriate amount may on the contrary lead to deterioration of over all body fitness.

Also one more vital thing worth remembering is that never try to hasten in building your body as usually it takes years to shape up the body as dreamt of for becoming the great and successful body builder. Remember there are just no short cuts for it anyway. Similarly rushing the nutrition and strength training or power training procedures would end up in big body but accompanied with fat and injuries. The people believing in such theories and taking help of steroids or supplements never last longer and in fact end up in serious health troubles. For building body truly big and muscular unconditionally requires rigorous training, consistently exercising, great nutritional diets and above all the great deal of dedication.

The ideal body building program should have the significant diets comprising of the combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The proportions of each of such nutrients should be strictly as per the recommendations only. There are specific diets programs designed for the body builders who sincerely intend to gain muscle while losing their body fats. Such diet could easily be altered or changed according to the individual requirements based on the body builder's goals.

There are different body building programs designed specially for typical features, like: working out for building the muscle mass. If the goal is to put on as much mass as the genetics permit, consider this plan. For gaining good muscles you may also be required to gain some additional fats. Another program for body building is gaining muscles and losing fats. This is of course as difficult as anything; you need to know the dietary habits and needs. The ideal workouts should incorporate resistance training accompanied by the aerobic work outs. The third most effective body building program is weight loss program. The best combination for this program is restrictions of calories intake, resistance training accompanied by the recommended aerobic workouts.

American Bodybuilding

The body building is the process that involves various physical exercises including weight training and workouts for building, raising and strengthening of the different body muscles and support the overall health and fitness. In general, the body building is considered as the popular sport which is usually restricted to its exhibition or performance of certain prominent muscles in the artistic style, stability for designating the ultimate artistic characteristics only. Some most popular and commonly used exercising tools by the body builders include barbells and dumbbells for resistance training.

Body building is a typical kind of physical exercise or physical fitness training program which usually trains the individuals who intend to make their career in the bodybuilding sports. Simple routine physical exercise or workouts in the gym may not be enough developing targeted muscles and body stature. Specially designed diet plans based on the individual's health condition is equally important to be associated with any exercise programs for achieving the best possible results. Wider range of diet supplements, protein supplements, some specialized drinks and some typical products that are really designed and regularly sold for the serious body builders in the markets all over the world.

There are many agencies & organizations that provide various services and products to body builders. American Body Building-ABB is also one of such organizations that were initiated as the performance drink company that is currently the proud owner of the best products that are widely used by those who seriously care about body building and fitness. Each of the products has been exclusively designed and developed to offer the optimal results to the users. Though, during recent years the company has included to protein bars and supplements into its range of products, but its main focus will always be the performance drinks only.

American Body Building-ABB products have been available in the markets since 1985 and are perhaps receiving the prime preference by serious body builders as well as strength training athletes all over the world nowadays. American Body Building Products-LLC is the wholly owned ancillary of Optimum Nutrition Inc. and it owns the best brand of America serious performance beverages - the status and goodwill developed upon the history of stat-of-the-art products, unrivaled, on-site producing competence, versatile marketing strategies and matchless proficiency of distribution.

American Body Building Products have four different hi-tech production plants that are fully equipped with the advanced technologies and scattered over 500,000 sq. feet of land area all together. This is the only sports nutrition company in the industry that produces the items in every product class right from ready-to-drink beverages exclusively for the sports persons to nutritional bars and bites to powered beverages or supplements mixes as well as tablets and capsules for the body builders. The total required infrastructure helps the company managing the reliability of its products from scratch to finish stage.

The apex performance is entirely based on the combination of the diets, the efforts at the gym - track or the field and how much time is allocated for rest and recovery. American Body Building products are exclusively designed and produced to enhance the well balanced diet and promote the performance perimeters that are sought by athletes of all descriptions.

Female Bodybuilding

The female body building has been gaining immense popularity gradually all over the world. More and more women nowadays wish to attain near-perfection evenness to their bodies by having characterized curvatures in all the right places. Females have identified the vitality of body building workouts for developing their muscles firm and toned. The well formed muscles gained through proper work outs can help shape up the most beautiful and symmetrical body and also improve the physical strength and health conditions.

Female body building does not vary much as compared to the male body building. Both men and women have the identical numbers of muscles that are believed to expand and shrink in the similar manners during the physical workouts. The major difference between the two genders is that the males have testosterone - the muscle building hormone but the females have estrogen which is the fat storing hormone. But it does not however mean that women are more likely to gain weight as compared to men. Females working out satisfactorily can easily burn out fat and build more muscles.

Many women simply do not agree to go for body building because they think that if they discontinue exercising or working out their muscles would get converted into the fat. This is however, the most common misbelieve. No muscles could be ever transformed into the fat as both of them are quite diverse tissues. Fat are formed from the unburned calories that get stored in the body when the calorie ingestion of the person remains unutilized and physical activities are decreased or ceased. This is applicable to all the people including body builders. When the body builders grow older or gets retired, they would ultimately gain weight as their metabolism system inhibits and their physical activities too diminish.

Body building has various benefits for the females particularly when performed properly and that too on the regular basis. Anyway, without hard working, willpower and endurance, females could never attain the physical appearance they wish. They would be left to settle with their original body shapes only. The solution for female body building is multiplicity; none of them want their arms to become flabby and weaker. While considering the workout routines for the females, one should look at the complete aspects. They not only require the great cardio management, but also needs some weight training exercises also.

Irrespective of what one likes, the aim is yet the same only. One wants to have the killer body and yet keep it all for the infinity. The thing which is worth remembering is that the workout routines for females are of course not the same as that of the males. The women of the world need taking some what diverse approach. Women are naturally built quite differently and bulking up is not an easy thing to do. The woman can boost her metabolism if she starts systematic weight training for getting the fit and stronger body within just a few weeks. Most advanced fitness routines for females entail some weight training. Weight training never means that it makes the body bulky anyway.

Top 10 faulty Exercise Tactics

Physical fitness is a lifelong programme that must be adhered to. The first step is to start an exercise program and frame a workout schedule with the help of trainer. However one must understand there are faulty exercise tactics that one should stay away from. Here are the 10 faulty exercise tactics that must be avoided -

  1. Avoid volume training - The most common mistake is doing many sets and volume training to gain quick benefits and weight loss. This is in fact a wrong tactic. Avoid doing more than two or three movements in one workout per muscle group as this will result in essential muscle loss. Over training may prove to be harmful and scientifically there is no evidence to link volume of training with increase in muscle mass and body strength. Do as much as you can and don't push yourself.
  2. Avoid moving quickly - Very quickly accelerating and decelerating body movements often result in injuries. Moreover it doesn't sound worthwhile, as one is constantly loading and unloading muscle groups creating tension in body. Avoid moving quickly to activate fast twitch fibers. It is proven that muscle fibers react to intensity and tension. When intensity is high, twitch fibers are quickly activated. This in long run proves to be harmful.
  3. Limiting the motion range - The range of motion must be checked and motion range must not be stretched. For example it is okay to do leg presses along with gigantic weights but when the weight moves only a few inches it is not fine .Do as much as you can. Avoid moving rapidly with squads at a half squat position with a huge weight. It does not help significantly and instead results in injury to lower back.
  4. Training too frequently - The most common mistake that people do is they start training too frequently to gain more. This is in effect a wrong tactic and tires body endlessly. Excessive training is in fact bad for the overall health of the body. Give body some rest.
  5. Working out without a plan - It is very important to set your goal from the very beginning and with the help of your trainer create an exercise plan and stick to it. Training in clueless, readily improvising wont lead you anywhere .As you need direction and purpose in life, same is needed in exercise.
  6. Grimacing - Frowning, screaming and grunting while doing exercise to make the reps is faulty. This reflects that you are not correctly targeting the muscle group and are relying on other muscle groups and building up body momentum to move the weight. This is incorrect posture and must be avoided.
  7. Overweight despite exercising - Many a times people do the mistake of gaining weight to lift a great mass of weight. Being over fat and overweight despite exercising is not correct. It is important to build muscles but to be strong and healthy with low body fat. Otherwise the whole purpose of exercise is defeated.
  8. Building on resistance - Avoid building on resistance if your body doesn't support it. Don't push your body in to doing it. How much resistance that you can apply significantly depends on a number of factors like leverage, muscular efficiency, movements in reps, exercise routine and time duration between various exercises. Body muscles respond to intensity of exercise and tension generated in the body. Avoid using big weights if you cannot build resistance to them. Give your muscles optimal stimulus in various movements.
  9. Supplements - Avoid excessive use of supplements to derive nutrition. Instead concentrate on getting more nutrition from real food. It is cost effective and diet effective as well. If you have to resort to supplements then take scientifically tested, proven substances under medical guidance. Avoid hormone derivatives sold over the counter as they may prove out to be dangerous.
  10. Do not overdo - Do believe what the trainers in gyms and health clubs advice you. But there is a limit to all things. Avoid being too muscular, as such shapes cannot be maintained in daily routine.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hanging Leg Raises

The Hanging Leg Raise is a great way to blast your abdominals, particularly the lower sections of the rectus abdominus. It’s always a good idea to work your lower abs early on in your abdominal routine (then move on to upper and obliques) as many of the lower ab movements are quite difficult and you’ll want to be as fresh as possible when performing them. Hanging Leg Raises are a favorite of mine because they place a tremendous amount of stress on the abs and high stress = great results. The key when performing this one is to keep the motion slow and controlled and be sure to NOT allow yourself to start using momentum and swing your legs up (as I see many people do) in order to accomplish your reps. The focus here should be feeling the burn in your abs, not just rushing through an inordinate amount of reps. Note: If leg raises seem too difficult for you, you may want to start out with hanging knee raises until your abs are stronger.

Performance: Hang vertically from a pull-up bar (or hanging sleeves or a vertical bench) with your knees slightly bent. Slowly lift your legs until they come slightly past parallel to the floor. Pause for a moment and then slowly lower your legs back to the start. When your legs are just short of the starting position, begin your next rep. This will be continuous tension on your abs and minimize the tendency to swing.

Muscle Emphasis: the entire front abdominal wall, particularly the lower sections of the rectus abdominus (lower abs)

"Get In Shape With Your Very Own Customized Diet & Training Program"

Lee Hayward
Lee Hayward
(Your Physique Transformation Specialist)

Dear Friend,

As you read this letter you're unconsciously putting yourself into one of two groups. Either you see yourself as someone who is already in good physical shape but you want to take your fitness to a higher level. Or you are totally out of shape and are looking for a realistic solution to your problem, but you have doubts as to whether or not my program will work for you.

In either case, you can rest assured that you have come to the right place. Why? Because I've helped literally hundreds of people from all over the world transform their bodies and take their fitness to the next level.

I’ve personally helped seasoned fitness enthusiasts get “Super-Fit” - as well as helping those who would classify themselves as overweight and out of shape – melt away excess bodyfat, gain strength, increase energy and begin enjoying an active lifestyle filled with confidence and power.

Take Your Personal Fitness To The Next Level!

My Total Fitness Bodybuilding website has been online and helping people build better bodies since 1999. Those who follow what I teach get great results. But those who take the NEXT step and get personalized coaching with my customized training and nutrition programs - well, they're the people getting extraordinary results!

Not just because they are using the very best “cutting-edge” training and nutritional strategies, but they know that there is a helping hand, day-in and day-out to help them along the way. They know that one-on-one support is crucial to their success - and that they cannot succeed without it. As the saying goes, "No one succeeds alone."

How Would You Like To Have An Experienced Coach In Your Corner Helping You Every Step Of The Way...

Let me personally help you get into your best physical shape ever with a personalized diet and training program, customized to your exact needs and fitness goals. Plus one-on-one coaching and support every step of the way to ensure that you maximize your physique transformation success.

I will tailor fit your personal program to target your exact needs and fitness goals, whether it be helping you lose bodyfat, build lean muscle, or a combination of the two. And guide you step-by-step on the path to achieving your own real life “before and after” physique transformation.

The cornerstone of the program includes the very latest training secrets and nutritional strategies used by natural bodybuilders and fitness models to develop their lean sculpted “hard bodys”. These techniques will literally turn your body into a 24-hour a day fat-burning muscle building machine.

And the best part is that you do NOT have to learn or study anything. I will customize an exact nutrition, weight training, and cardio program based around your specific needs, time schedule, lifestyle, and fitness goals. All you have to do is follow the program. All the planning will already be done for you.

Your Customized Diet and Training Program
Will Be Divided Up Into 3 Parts...

  1. You will get a customized nutritional blueprint to follow so you can achieve the very best results in the shortest period of time. You'll get a daily meal-by-meal eating plan with the exact foods to eat in the right amounts - all plotted and mapped out specifically for your body type and your fitness goals.

  2. Simple to follow weight training and cardio programs - precisely tuned to produce awesome results FAST. I will personally custom-tailor each and every workout to your experience and fitness level, your goals, your time schedule, and equipment availability.

  3. And the best part of the program is that you’ll get personal coaching from yours truly. I’ll give you my personal e-mail address so you can have unlimited e-mail support during your entire program. Plus each week I'll call you up on the phone for a personal consultation call where I'll monitor your progress, answer your questions, and strategically cycle your training and nutrition program along the way to ensure that you make solid measurable progress from week to week.

Here's What Some Of Lee's Students
Have To Say About The Program:

"Lost 64 lbs. Of Bodyfat In Only 21 Weeks!"

Doug Croft I recently competed in my first bodybuilding competition. I started my contest diet at 242 lbs. and with the help of Lee's program I lost 64 lbs. and got into the best shape of my life. I didn't make the middleweight class like I had hoped, but even as the lightest competitor (178 lbs.) in the light-heavyweight class I still managed to place 3rd.
I would like to thank Lee for all the help that he gave me during my contest prep. His knowledge and experience really helped ease off the pressure of being a first time competitor. I feel really proud of what I've accomplished and it is amazing how far I have come from where I started.

Again, thanks Lee for your help with everything, it was greatly appreciated and you helped make the whole experience a great one.

Doug Croft

"Won 1st Place In A Figure Competition!"

Lisa Woolgar I would like to thank Lee for all of the expert advice he has given to me over the last 4 months as I prepared for my first figure competition. Lee was invaluable to me and his website was an excellent resourse as well. I would recommend it to anyone.

I consulted Lee every step of the way leading up to the competition and not only did he have all the answers, but he responded to all my emails almost instantly.

I truely appreciated the time he took for me as I know he also was in training for the bodybuilding competition (which he won). Congrats Lee on your first place win, and I can honestly say that your help was instrumental in my first place win as well.

Thanks a million!

Lisa Woolgar

Lisa Woolgar won the Figure Short Class @ 2007 HWC Bodybuilding & Figure Championships

"Lost 55 lbs. Of Bodyfat & Gained strength In The Process"

Dear Lee,

I wanted to let you know about my workout progress and to thank you for all your help. I've made some amazing changes in my physique. And I credit my progress to your help expertise. If it had not been for your e-mails, website, and messageboard I would still be overweight.

I've been following the various routines from your site, and will continue to do so. But, as you know, getting into the gym and working out is actually the easy part. Your nutritional advice and diet plans helped me the most with losing bodyfat and gaining lean muscle. Over the past year I’ve lost 55lbs on the scale and I've also gotten stronger and added some lean muscle as well. So that actual fat loss is more then just the 55lbs. of bodyweight.

When I started I was 251 lbs. and could only bench press 205 lbs.

Now I’m 196 lbs. and my max bench press has gone up to 235 lbs.

So that just goes to show that you CAN gain strength and lean muscle while losing bodyfat.

I also practice mixed martial arts (MMA) and I’ve noticed huge improvements in my speed, strength, and endurance since losing all the excess bodyweight. I enjoy the sport even more now since I'm able to keep up with some of the better MMA fighters in my class.

My physique is by no means where I want it to be, but I know with your continued assistance and with consistent effort that I WILL reach my fitness goals.

Thanks again Lee.

Mathew Broughton
West Virginia

"Lost 36 lbs. Of Bodyfat In Just 12 Weeks!"

Steve Cook Lee has helped me customize my diet and training to the point that my strength, size, and conditioning improvements are consistent.

I have learned so much about bodybuilding from Lee. All the e-mails, videos, posing practice, one on one training, etc, I just can't thank him enough for it all.

I really admire his dedication to the sport, as well as the effort he puts into your his personal fitness goals. I know it must be getting old, me thanking him all the time, but what else can I say. Lee you're the best man.

Thanks again for eveything.

Steve Cook

"Lost Bodyfat While Building Lean Muscle Mass"

Adam Hunt Lee helped me with my contest preparation for the 2006 NLABBA provincial bodybuilding competition.

From the very start, Lee’s helpful information put me on the right track. He provided me with exactly what I needed to get in amazing shape.

He personalized my diet, weight training, and cardio program. And also provided me with lots of support and encouragement for those ‘difficult’ stretches of the program. I know without a doubt, that Lee helped me achieve more than I could have done on my own. It was awesome working with him.

Lee, I cannot thank you enough for your help!

Best wishes,
Adam Hunt

"Competed In A Fitness Model Competition!"

Vince DelMonte I just got back from the FAME World Championships, as I competed in my first fitness model competition! I placed in the top ½ for my first show ever and was told I should have been in the top 10 if I work on my stage presence.
I attracted the attention of for a photo shoot that day and was told I have huge potential with some more experience.

Thanks so much Lee for all the pre-contest diet information leading up to my show. I was pleasantly surprised to get such detailed answers to my questions about how to approach my last few weeks with regards to supplementation, water intake, sodium loading, carb depletion and carb loading and some other stuff. You have no idea how I benefited from you guiding me through the guesswork and little details.

Vince DelMonte

"Won The Overall Title In 5 Bodybuilding Competitions!"

Patricia Crocker I met Lee Hayward in the fall of 1999 and started training with him. With Lee’s help I entered my first bodybuilding competition in 2001 and have since competed in 7 bodybuilding contests, winning the overall title in 5 of them.

By working with Lee I have learned so much about proper training and nutrition. I wouldn't be this lean, healthy, and fit without his help. Lee is very knowledgeable and always takes the time to answer my questions and explain everything so it is simple and easy to understand.

If you really want to lose fat, build lean muscle, and get in your best shape ever, Lee's customized diet and training programs are the way to go.

Patricia Crocker

"Lowered Bodyfat From 18% Down To 8%"

Rani Abu-Harthieh Hey Lee,

I have been following your Customized diet/training program and just wanted to thank you for everything. The program is awesome and I really appreciate you answering my countless email questions.

It has helped me a lot with reaching my bodybuilding goals. Since following your program I’ve gone from 18% bodyfat to 8% bodyfat.

I think I am really lucky to be getting help from a professional like you with a lot of experience. I’ve been able to make much better progress with you helping me out and keeping track of my progress then I did while just guessing about my workouts on my own. Props to you for the wealth of information you have given me with. Not to mention your website is also filled with tons of excellent information.

thanks again,
Rani Abu-Harthieh

"Lost 76 lbs. Of Bodyfat While Building Lean Muscle!"

Ryan Spence I have tried pretty much every way to lose weight and get into shape. Everything from the Body for Life to The South Beach Diet. Lee Hayward’s program is the only one that got me not only into the best shape of my life but also the best looking.
His knowledge, expertise, and experience have developed the most effective and individualized program that is out on the market. I started at 296lbs and ended at 220lbs and 6% body fat. His system works and is designed for both bodybuilders and regular individuals who just want to improve their health and well being.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is health and longevity and the Total Fitness Bodybuilding program gives you that as well as a new perspective on life.

Thanks Lee for all your help and advice.

Ryan Spence

"Bulked Up & Gained 48 lbs. Of Muscular Bodyweight"

Paul Collins I just wanted to thank you for all your tips and advice. I am now beginning to have the physique that I have always wanted, my skinny frame has become a distant memory. I’m 6' 2" and when I began training I was 187 pounds. Since following your training system I’m now 235 pounds.

People I have known for a long time comment on how big I look now, which is what I have always wished for.

This training system has been a great breakthrough for me, thanks to you, and I hope that there will be others who gain like me through taking your advice.

Without your help I never would have got the results that I have achieved in gaining mass in such a short period of time.

Thanks Lee. Keep up the good work.

Paul Collins
United Kingdom

"Visible Improvements In Just 3 Weeks!"

Hi Lee:

I am totally enjoying the custom workout program you created on my behalf. In just 3 weeks I can already see improvements, but more importantly I feel better than I have for years. For the first time in many, many years I feel younger than my age (I am 48).

Thank you so much.

Richard D. Bailey

"Gained 20 lbs. Of Muscle In 2 Months!"

Hi Lee,

I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for all of the information and help you've given me over the past few months. I've made gains that I didn't know I could make in such a short period of time.

In the beginning I was not sure how things would turn out because I was new to Bodybuilding. I took all the information (tons of valuable education) you provided and put it to work. Week by week I made gains and I'm happy to say now that in just a little over two months I went from a mere 170lbs to 190lbs. I'm currently on your bulking phase that you provide so much help and information with. My next goal is 210lbs and then I will go on a cut diet after that.

Lee, you've provided valuable and important education when it comes to Bodybuilding. You've answered my questions and that's huge because you address it personally.

Thank you for all of your help and attention.

Joe D. Gessner
San Diego California U.S.A.

"Lost 8 Inches In Just One Month!"

Hi Lee,

I am doing great and so please with the results after just one month on your program. I have lost 7 pounds and 8 inches so far. YES IN DEED! I AM TRILLED TO SEE SOME ARM DEFINITION. EVEN GOT A LITTLE BABY BICEP POPPING THROUGH!

Marli Rodgers

Start Your Very Own Physique Transformation NOW!

-- Take The First Step To Getting In Your Best Physical Shape Ever --

The only real short cut to getting the body you want is by learning from someone who has a proven track record and has already done what you would like to achieve.

We all know that there is no "magic pill" or "quick fix" routine that will give you the results you want, only hard work. So if you want to maximize the results you get from your efforts then you need to have an experienced coach in your corner who can monitor your training, nutrition, etc. and ensure that everything you are doing is working and producing the best results possible.