Sunday, March 15, 2009

An Interview With Jeff Anderson Author Of Optimum Anabolics (Aka The Muscle Nerd)

Well, I've managed to get the big man himself Jeff Anderson (Aka The Muscle Nerd) to do an interview with us here at WeightGain4You, so he can lay bare all that people are saying about his contoversial new bodybuilding program Optimum Anabolics and to find out a bit of information about the man we call the Muscle Nerd.


Wesley - Ok, I’ve gotta ask…what’s with the name ”Muscle Nerd”?

Jeff - Believe me, it wasn’t MY doing.  I gained kind of a reputation at my local gym for being, well…a little “bookworm” when it came to my lifting program.  I would sit there with a pad of paper and write extensive notes after each and every set.  The local guys at the gym started teasing me that I was a “muscle nerd” and the name kind of stuck.


Wesley Your new book, Optimum Anabolics, is causing quite a stir in the bodybuilding world…some rave reviews, some hurt feelings.  Why do you think it’s been so controversial?

Jeff - Actually, I expected the book to have the reaction it did…on both sides of the fence.  Most of my rave reviews come from guys who have simply been getting it “wrong”, are “hardgainers” only making marginal gains or were plagued with plateaus.

The hurt feelings come from two places…

1.) self-proclaimed fitness “experts” who’ve dismissed the program without even testing it out; and

2.) supplement retailers who don’t want the public to believe you can get these kind of results without dumping tons of money on their products


Wesley - Does that mean that you are against bodybuilding supplements?

Jeff - Oh, no…not at all.  There ARE a handful of products that can absolutely help you reach your goals…a HANDFUL.  I even include a chapter in the Optimum Anabolics e-book on the supplements that actually work and should be added to anyone’s program.  But the other day, on a whim, I picked up a popular bodybuilding magazine and counted the number of ads for supplements in there…139 ads!  Of course these companies want everyone to believe that supplements are their best bet for making the gains they’re looking for…but they’re simply NOT.  Most guys are relying too much on “magic pills” and less on the other 8 factors I identify in the Optimum Anabolics e-book.  This NEVER provides significant growth…period.


Wesley - What is so different about the Optimum Anabolics e-program compared with other programs?

Jeff - After several years of testing, I’ve discovered a unique phenomenon in the body’s anabolic response that actually allows you to “program” your muscles like a computer to grow beyond their genetic limitations.  The step-by-step process I reveal in my program has NEVER been discovered before and isn’t written about in any other books.  But best of all…IT WORKS!  There are some really good programs out there that can take you most of the way toward your goals, and I’ve even incorporated some of those “best practices”, but it wasn’t until I discovered this “programming” process that I really made the gains I was looking for.


Wesley - Can you explain a little about this muscle “programming” process?

Jeff - Sure!  It’s really not all that complicated in concept since most of us are already familiar with the same process when it comes to dieting, so I’ll use that analogy...

Let’s say someone is trying to lose weight and goes on a “starvation” diet.   While they will initially lose weight, after a while the body will realize it’s being “starved” and will do everything it can to actually hold on to as much fat as possible for use as emergency fuel.  When the dieter no longer sees the loss in weight, they end up giving up on the diet and go back to eating “normal” again.  The problem is that the body doesn’t know when it will be “starved” again so it will store away even MORE fat in preparation for any future calorie restrictions.  This person literally “programmed” their body to get FATTER!

My Optimum Anabolics program uses a similar concept to actually “trick” the body into thinking it needs to OVER-produce MUSCLE.  This means faster, bigger gains with no plateaus.


Wesley - Is this “programming” process difficult to follow?

Jeff - Absolutely not.  The “programming” process is very simple to understand in concept, and although it’s a detailed process, I’ve laid every element out step-by-step so that a child could follow it with ease.  However, there are a few weeks where the exercise and diet requirements will make you work hard…but then if building muscle could be made sitting on the couch eating potato chips, EVERYONE would look like Arnold, right?


Wesley - What kinds of results have you seen?

Jeff - I’ve seen some amazing results…not only with my own progress, but also from the people who have signed up for the program.  The feedback I love most are from guys who write me saying that they’ve been lifting for 20 years or so and have NEVER had this kind of response from their muscles.  Although I have to say that my favorite letter came from a 65 year old gym teacher who said that his wife couldn’t keep her hands off of his “new body”.  It’s a good thing the Optimum Anabolics program creates a testosterone surge…he’s going to need it!


Wesley - A lot of subscribers to our newsletter and those who visit our site are young and just getting started in bodybuilding.  What advice do you have for them?

Jeff - First…learn the basics. It’s awful tempting to pick up a muscle mag at the store and start hitting the gym thinking you’re armed with all the “advanced” info you need to get big.  Let me tell you, there are plenty of “experienced” lifters out there who STILL can’t get the basics right.  I see them all the time in every gym.  Their form is sloppy, they’re doing the wrong exercises…you name it. These are the same guys who are destined to keep the same old body year after year.  Trust me…I’ve been there!  This is why I decided to include the no-bull information on the “what”, “how”, and “when” of exercising and dieting in the Optimum Anabolics e-book.  Without this information, NO program will provide the gains you’re looking for.

Second…supplements (the RIGHT supplements) should be added to your program only AFTER you’ve learned the correct way to eat and lift a weight through the air.  This is where a lot of guys fail.  They get lured into thinking that all they have to do is pop a “magic pill” or drink some snake oil and their body will magically transform before their eyes.  Not so I’m afraid.  Eat right and exercise right and your body will respond.  Supplements may give you an added edge toward your gains, but their NOT the foundation of your program.

And third…leave your ego at home.  Forget about loading massive amounts of weight on the bar to impress yourself and everyone around you.  When you’re flopping your body around like a fish out of water, trying to hoist that over-burdened bar into the air, you’re not impressing anyone.  Drop the amount of weight, use correct form, and the body you end up with will be what impresses everyone around you!

Well thanks for the interview Jeff and WeightGain4You readers, watch out as we have more hard hitting interviews like this one on the way very soon. Make sure you bookmark the site so you can catch the rest of our upcoming interviews and expert stories.


Jeff's programs include the hard hitting controversial Optimum Anabolics that was talked about in this interview, so if you fancy gaining muscle the Jeff Anderson way read more on Optimum Anabolics. Jeff also has another fantastic ebook out at the minute known as Homemade supplements, It's very revealing on how the people of today get sucked into the marketing jargon of many of the supplement company giants of today. In the book he also tells you how you can make supplements for next to nothing from the comfort of your own home, the supplement giants are losing sleep over it. Read more on Homemade Supplement Secrets

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