Monday, September 29, 2008

Athlete off-season Strength Training Workout

The athlete strength training workout includes exercises for each muscle group, with a particular emphasis on compound exercises, to cause maximum muscle stimulation in athlete. There is equal emphasis on lower and upper-body exercises to build balanced muscle development. Moderate to heavy weights should be used and the prescribed sets and reps are designed to develop muscle strength and hypertrophy (muscle size).

You may change the exercises according to your particular athletic event. This program is more suitable for sprinting events but the amount of upper-body work should be increased and lower-body work reduced for events such as javelin or discus. Longer distance running events require more muscular endurance and less muscle mass, so the reps should be increased and the weights reduced.

Frequency: 3/week on non-consecutive days, alternating workout(lower body) a workout 2 (upper body).

Workout Time: Apr. 45 min (excluding warm-up and stretching). Click for doing warm up and it's exercises.

Rest: 60-90 s between sets and 1-2 min between exercises.

Training Tempo: 2 counts for the concentric (lifting) action; 3 counts for the eccentric (lowering) action.

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