Monday, July 7, 2008

Four Exercises To Bulk Up Skinny Legs

A lot of women would love to but it seems that those of us who do suffer from this affliction often hide them beneath flowing skirts or trousers.

The following exercises should help to build up the important muscles without adding fat.

So matchstick thin legs be gone!
No 1 exercise

Start your daily exercise regime by up and down stairs at a steady rate until you feel your calf muscles begin to protest and note how long it has taken.

Keep to the same time for a week, by then you should feel no discomfort.

The following week you should increase the time by 10-20% until you feel the discomfort again.

Keep increasing each week until you build up to about 25-30 minutes a session and maintain that rate as a daily routine.

Apartment dwellers may have to use the stairwell and it will do no harm to avoid the temptation of the elevator at other times.

No 2 exercise for hot legs

Lie down flat on the floor, and, for comfort, support your head on a cushion.

Place your hands on your hips and slowly lift your legs until they are at right angles to your body.

Bend at the knee and straighten each leg alternatively in a steady rotating motion so that you mimic a cycling action.

This is not a particularly tiring exercise but is important in building up the thigh muscles.

Keep going for about 5 minutes to start and build up the time gradually over a period of weeks.

No 3 exercise for hot legs

Lie flat on the floor with your body straight and arms extended by your sides at right angles.

Stretch your legs and raise one leg as high above you as you can while keeping it perfectly straight.

You will feel the thigh muscles stretching and tensing.

Slowly lower and repeat with the other leg. Continue until you feel the onset of fatigue in the muscles and build up the time on a weekly basis.

No 4 exercise for hot legs

Buy a bicycle or cycling machine.

Overdoing to the point of exhaustion or experiencing pain is likely to more harm than good unless you are a highly trained athlete.

The last thing you want is to feel so stiff after the previous workout that you can’t face another day of exercise.

It is important to get into a daily routine so take it easy to start with and gradually build up to a time and effort that you feel comfortable with.

The aim of these exercises is to increase the leg muscle mass and shape without gaining fat.

Cut back on fats and carbohydrates and increase your protein intake.

Here’s wishing you million dollar legs!

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