Saturday, January 24, 2009

Calf Strain - A pulled Muscle Strain Injury

What is a Calf Strain?

A strain is an injury in which muscle fibers or tendons are stretched or torn through there extreme overuse. A calf strain is an injury to the muscles and tendons in the lower back part of your leg.

How does Calf Strain occur?

Calf strain can occur during a physical activity where you push off forcefully from your toes. It may occur in running, jumping, or lunging.

The calf muscles consist of the Gastrocnemius which is the big muscle at the back of the lower leg and the Soleus muscle which is a smaller muscle lower down in the leg and under the Gastrocnemius. Either of these two muscles can be strained.

Symptoms of Calf Strain:

  • A sudden pain in the lower back part of the leg.
  • Difficulty in contracting the knee or standing on tip of the toe.
  • Pain and swelling in the calf muscle.

Treatment of Calf Strain:

  • Rest the leg and apply R.I.C.E. treatment (Rest , Ice , Compression , Elevation).
  • Elevate your leg on a pillow while you are lying down.
  • Wrap an elastic bandage around your calf muscle to prevent the swelling from getting worse.
  • Use crutches, if it is too painful to walk.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medications.
  • See a sports injury specialist who could advise a full rehabilitation program.

When can I return to my sport or activity?

The goal of rehabilitation is to return you to your sport or activity as soon and as safely as possible. But, If you return too soon you may worsen your injury, which could lead to permanent damage. Everyone recovers from injury at a different rate. Returning to your sport or activity will be determined by your recovering ability, the sooner your calf recovers, the soon you could join your sport or activity. Returning to your sport or activity is not determined by how many days or weeks have passed since your injury occurred. In general, the longer you have symptoms of the injury, the longer it will take you to get better.

You may safely return to your sport or activity when, each of the following points are true:

  • You have a full range of motion in the leg without any pain.
  • You have full strength in your leg.
  • You can jog straight ahead without any pain or limping.
  • You can sprint straight ahead without any pain or limping.
  • You can stand on the tip of your toe without any pain.
  • You can jump on both the legs without any pain.

Prevention of Calf Strain:

Calf strains are best prevented by doing proper warm ups like running, sit ups, or with the help of any of the popular fitness equipments  etc.. and by doing proper calf-stretching exercises before starting any sport or activity. These warm ups are especially important if you are doing jumping or sprinting sports.

What could a sports injury specialist do?

  • Prescribe anti-inflammatory medication e.g. ibuprofen which is beneficial in the first few days after the injury.
  • Use ultrasound or laser treatment.
  • Wrap an elastic bandage to prevent the injury from getting worse.
  • Use a compression device.
  • Provide a massage.
  • Prescribe a full rehabilitation program.

The 10 Tips On Prevention Of Sports Injuries

The injuries are usually due to the various reasons such as due to the repetitive forces that lead to micro trauma or even inappropriate kind of over training. Such conditions damage the tissues causing inflammation and severe pain. Also in most of the cases the swelling as well as loss of functions is noticed. However, continuing the exercises and training may further lead to the serious consequences and the injury may even turn chronic. It is rather ideal to use common sense for preventing the different sports injuries. Some of them are given below for your ready reference:

Identify the risk factors: This is one of the most essential things worth doing like modify the probabilities wherever possible. Also try to diminish the total injury risk for the individual by enhancing the energetic steadiness as well as the capacity of the joints enabling to resist the redundant force. Accordingly, the preventive conditioning generally incorporates exercises designed for enhancing the overall as well as the sports related fitness, widely targeting on the areas of the body that are supposed to be at the higher risk of injuries, irrespectively either due to the various sports activities or whatever the person brings to the sports in terms of fitness or joint mechanism etc.

Undertaking the ideal stretching of flexibility programs: This includes properly done warm ups for different limbs before and after doing the exercises or any such activities like play, training as well as the complete conditioning program for improving the flexibility, stamina and strength. Proper warming up before stretching and adequately stretching before initiating the workout regimens or sports activities are highly advisable to avoid any probable injuries.

Never heat the injury by any means: Avoid heating the injured area unless you are advised to do so by some professional experts. The most ideal immediate treatment on any sports injury is ice and compression followed by rest and elevation of the affected body part. It is most significantly recommended by all the professional medical personalities that the rest of at least 48 hours every week between the training sessions must be taken. However, by including one day of rest and cross training definitely leads you to the diminished chances of injury of any kinds. Although if by chance you meet with any injuries, remember to follow the M. S. A. technique to be followed once the injured area starts to heal out.

The M. S. A. stands for Movement, Strength and Alternate activities. Movement - work at full capacity after the injury heals. This will enable you maintain flexibility and prevent the scar tissues formed by the injury from restricting the future performances. Strength - try to slowly strengthen the injured area after the inflammation is under control and the motion range is regained. Alternate activities - exercise regularly by using activities that don't strain the injured part. This should ideally be started after the few days of injury in spite of its under healing conditions.

There are some minor and rather negligible suggestions if followed seriously may help the sports persons avert various injuries. This includes willingly selecting to wear the recommended sports apparels to ease and comfort the body while performing any sports activities. Even the shoes that are well recommended for use in each sport differently should be adopted to avoid probable injuries. Besides, this, several precautionary measures may also help you avert the risk of injuries.

Common Examples of Weight Lifting Machines

Weightlifting is the sport that involves various competitors making attempt to lift heavy weights mounted on steel bars commonly known as barbells. Lifting up of the barbells is a combination of power, flexibility, and technique, mental and physical strength. There are basically two different weightlifting events-firstly "the snatch", in which the competitors have to lift the barbell over their heads in one continuous movement, secondly "the clean and jerk" where competitors first "clean" the barbell from the floor to an intermediate position, holding the bar in a front squat, then standing up in the concentric portion of the front squat. Finally "jerking" the barbell to a position above their head. Apart from the above explained events you can also choose weight lifting as a workout to build up the muscles for really getting an aesthetic physique. This is because weight lifting is also known as resistance training, one of the fastest growing segments in the home exercise market for anyone interested in improving their health and physical appearance .Now comes the importance of weight lifting machines which plays a vital role in the creation of the eminence structure.

Weight lifting machines can make a big difference in your over-all weight lifting regime. If you want to get in shape and stay in shape then you must recognize the need to include a weight lifting in your workout program. Weight lifting machines and weight lifting in general, burns fat, tightens and firms your muscles, builds joint strength and so much more. Most weight lifting machines are effective, easy to use and safe.

The same weight lifting machines found in gyms can also be used as home gym equipment. The only difference is that some homes versions are usually lighter construction and don't work as smoothly.

Some examples of weight lifting machines found in fitness centers and that you can use in your home include:

Shoulder press machines : This machine is designed to work the muscles of shoulder and back of the upper arm. Specially-designed seat allows for wheelchair access. Seat belt is included for extra stability.

Chest press machines : A Vertical Butterfly Press machine focuses these muscles. We also carry Lateral Bench Press machines. These also offer a movement that more quickly targets the pecs than the traditional vertical bench press. The Paramount Butterfly Press machine provides one of the few exercises that totally isolate the pectoral muscles.

Leg extension machines : The exceptionally strong mainframe combined with a specially contoured thigh pad and exact movement pattern provide a smooth, solid feel and immediate response. Biomechanically accurate pivot point ensures ergonomically correct body positioning for natural and complete quadriceps, hamstring and leg biceps development.

Smith machines : It consists of a barbell that is constrained to move only vertically upwards and downwards on steel runners. A Smith machine often includes a weight rack in the base to help stabilize it. Behind each runner is a series of slots on which the barbell can be hooked. The Smith machine can be used for any barbell exercise in which the barbell moves vertically up and down, such as the squat or the bench press.

There are many more weight lifting machines like biceps machines, triceps machines ,leg press and leg curl machines, multi station, lat machines etc by help of which you can really build up your body and can have tight muscles.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Achilles Tendonitis and its Treatment

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that connects the heel bone to the calf muscle of the leg. Injury to the tendon may cause it to become inflamed or torn.

Achilles tendonitis is the term used when the tendon is inflamed. The inflammation causes pain at the back of your leg near the heel. A tear of the tendon is called a rupture. It also causes pain near your heel.

How does Achilles Tendonitis occur?

Achilles tendonitis can be caused by:

  • Overuse of the Achilles tendon.
  • Tight calf muscles.
  • Tight Achilles tendons.
  • Lots of uphill running.
  • Increasing the amount or intensity of sports training, sometimes along with switching to racing flats, which are racing shoes with less heel lift.
  • Over-pronation, a problem where your feet roll inward and flatten out more than normal when you walk or run.
  • Wearing high heels at work and then switching to lower- heeled shoes for exercise.
  • An Achilles tendon may tear during sudden activity. For example the tendon might tear when you jump or start sprinting.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis:

  • Pain on the tendon during exercise.
  • Swelling over the Achilles tendon.
  • Redness over the skin.
  • You can sometimes feel a creaking when you press your fingers into the tendon and move the foot.
  • Pain and stiffness in the Achilles tendon especially in the morning.
  • Pain in the tendon when walking especially up hill or up stairs.
  • Chronic tendinitis differs from acute tendinitis in that it is more of a long term persistent problem.

Treatment for Achilles Tendonitis:

  • Rest and apply cold therapy R.I.C.E.(Rest , Ice , Compression , Elevation)
  • Put your lower leg on a pillow when you are lying down.
  • Wear a heel pad to raise the heel and take some of the strain off the achilles tendon.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medication as prescribed by your health care provider.
  • See a sports injury professional who can advise on treatment andrehabilitation.
  • In some severe cases of Achilles tendonitis, your foot may be put in a cast for several weeks.
  • A tear of the tendon may require surgery. Or your foot may be put in a cast for 6 to 10 weeks.

When can I return to my sport or activity?

The goal of rehabilitation is to return you to your sport or activity as soon as is safely possible. If you return too soon you may worsen your injury, which could lead to permanent damage. Everyone recovers from injury at a different rate. Return to your activity is determined by how soon your Achilles tendon area recovers, not by how many days or weeks it has been since your injury occurred. In general, the longer you have symptoms before you start treatment, the longer it will take to get better.

You may safely return to your sport or activity when, starting from the top of the list and progressing to the end, each of the following is true:

  • You have full range of motion in the injured leg compared to the uninjured leg.
  • You have full strength of the injured leg compared to the uninjured leg.
  • You can jog straight ahead without pain or limping.
  • You can sprint straight ahead without pain or limping.
  • You can jump on both legs without pain and you can jump on the injured leg without pain.

Prevention of Achilles Tendonitis:

The best way to prevent achilles tendonitis injury is to stretch your calf muscles and Achilles tendons before exercise. If you have tight Achilles tendons or calf muscles, stretch them twice a day whether or not you are doing any sports activities that day.

If you have a tendency to get Achilles tendonitis, avoid running uphill a lot.

Your Sports Injury Therapist or Doctor could :

  • Prescribe anti-inflammatory medication.
  • Identify the causes and prescribe orthotics or a change in training methods.
  • Tape the back of the leg to support the tendon.
  • Apply a plaster cast if it is really bad.
  • Use ultrasound treatment.
  • Apply sports massage techniques.
  • Prescribe a rehabilitation program.
  • Some might give a steroid injection however an injection directly into the tendon is not recommended. Some specialists believe this can increase the risk of a total rupture.
  • Scan with an MRI or Ultrasound - see latest research for more info.


Abdominal Strain and its Symptoms

What is an Abdominal Strain?

A sprain is an injury caused by twisting or straining the ligaments of a joint. People commonly call such an injury a "pulled" muscle. Your abdominal muscles may be strained during a forceful activity.

How does Abdominal Strain occur?

Abdominal strain occurs during vigorous activity, such as lifting a heavy object. Ruptures are most common in weightlifters, throwers, gymnasts, rowers, wrestlers and pole vaulters.

Symptoms of Abdominal Strain:

  • Tenderness and inflammation over an area of the rectus abdomens (usually at the bottom).
  • A sharp pain in the abdominal muscles.
  • An increase in pain when the abdominal muscles are contracted e.g. doing a stomach crunch.

Treatment for Abdominal Strain:

  • Rest until there is no pain.
  • Apply heat for example with a hot water bottle or with electric heating belt(after the first 48 hours of injury).
  • See a doctor who could provide anti-inflammatory medication.
  • See sports injury specialist who could tell some exercises.

When can I return back to my sport or activity?

The goal of exercises and medicines is to return you back to your sport or activity as soon as possible and as safely as possible. But, if you try to return to your sport or activity too soon, when the injury has not even cured properly you may worsen your injury, and may damage your muscle permanently. Every person has a different recovering rate from an injury. Returning to your sport or activity will be determined by your recovering ability, the sooner your abdominal muscles recover, the soon you can return to your sport or activity. Returning to your sport or activity is not determined by how many days or weeks have passed since your injury occurred.

You may return to your sport or activity when you can bend to touch your toes without folding your legs and straighten back up without pain. You should be able to do a sit-up without pain. If you have a hernia, be cautious about doing strenuous abdominal activities and talk to your doctor about how to cure it.

Prevention of Abdominal Strain:

Abdominal strains are best prevented by making your abdominal muscles well toned before playing any sport. You can do this by doing warm ups like running, doing sit-ups,  doing warm ups with fitness equipments  by using any other popular abdominal exercise machines. By doing all this your body gets warmed up and comes in motion and you are less prone to injuries. It is important not to over strain your body especially when you are a beginner and starting an exercise program. When lifting heavy objects like in a gym it is very important to lift them correctly, with knees bent and your back and abdomen straight under supervision of your gym coach.

What can a sports injury specialist or doctor do?

  • Prescribe muscle relaxing medicines to cure abdominal strain.
  • Use ultrasound and laser treatment.
  • Prescribe you to rest till the injury is cured.
  • Prescribe some exercises to do 3-4 times a day to cure injury fast.
  • Prescribe some prevention tips to avoid re-injury.
  • Give you a anti-inflamatory injection if there is inflammation of the tendon.
  • Operate if it is bad enough.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Calisthenics - Calisthenics Workouts and Exercise Program for a complete fitness workout routine

Calisthenics exercise are also known as body strengthening exercises. Calisthenics is a type of exercise consisting of a variety of simple movements usually performed without weights or some other equipment that are used to increase body strength, endurance and flexibility using the weight of one's own body for resistance. Calisthenics has been originally oriented from gymnastics. Organized systems of calisthenics in America took a back seat to competitive sports after the Battle of the Systems during which states mandated physical education systems.

Calisthenics workout help to raise your fitness levels by strengthening a variety of muscle throughout your body, including both the cardiac and skeletal muscles. By raising heart-beat rate, they contribute to improved heart health and lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Calisthenics is performed on stage therefore requiring detailed choreography and often under limited space conditions. In addition to the team events there is also a solo activity known as the Graceful Calisthenic Competitor or Graceful girl. "Graceful girl" is designed to enhance the dancers grace and poise, flexibility, appearance, ability to interpret music into dance and dance ability.

Calisthenics Exercise

Calisthenics exercise concentrate on specific areas of the body. For example, situps target the abdominal muscles, while push-ups concentrate mostly on the pectoral muscles. Other examples, include jumping jacks, any floor exercises or gymnastics and leg lifts.

Calisthenics exercise is evaluated, each with specific time parameters and specific exercise form mechanics. Everyone must exercise till any of the following things occur - either muscle failure or time completion - whichever occurs first. The goal of all the persons here is to do as many "good form" repetitions as possible in the time allotted or when muscle failure is reached.


While performing calisthenics a proper routine must be followed, otherwise the person will lead to injury. Exercise routine is strictly enforced during the calisthenics training. You must take atleast a 3 minute break between each calisthenics workout.

How can I reduce my excess of weight by doing Calisthenics?

In order to reduce your weight fast by calisthenics, it is very important to follow a strict calorie-controlled diet plan, containing an adequate supply of essential nutrients like carbs and protein, as well as a full range of vitamins, minerals and herbs. And if you combine that strict calorie controlled plan with calisthenics workout and your weight reduction would beverly fast. Remember, a well-nourished body loses weight faster. In addition to this, for more better results if you write your weight loss stats for every week then when you will see your weight loss stats afterwards (that you had lost so much ponds of weight), it would be a great source for increasing your motivation towards workout.

Some of the Calisthenics Workouts that you can perform:

Dumbbell Calf Raises

SETUP: Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and stand on top of a box, heels hanging off the edge. Maintain you balance by grasping a sturdy object or wall, and lift your right foot so that you are standing only on your left foot.

MOVEMENT: Flex your calf to raise your body, then lower to the start. And repeat this four times.

Shoulder Press

Sit on adjustable bench after setting the back to an 85-degree angle. Grasp a dumbbell in one hand and position the weight beside your shoulder, with your palm facing forward. Place your fee hand or your waist and spread your feet comfortably to maintain balance. Press the weight upward to full around extension, pause briefly and then lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position; repeat complete 8-12 repetitions and then switch arms for the same amount. Perform 2-4 sites per arm.


Push ups exercise is mainly performed for building chest, shoulders and triceps. Lie face down on the floor hands about shoulder width apart keep your palms turned inward slightly, push-up until your arms are straight, lower and repeat for reps.

To make it more difficult elevate your feet. Also, try different hand placements (closer together or farther apart). They can also be done between chairs, this was the favorite exercise of Charles Atlas. Another variation is Dips between parallel bars.


Stand upright, holding a dumbbell beside your thigh in one hand with your palm facing in. Place your free hand on your hip and spread your legs to hip width to maintain your balance.

Keeping your torso erect, lift your shoulder upward in a shrugging motion. Pause briefly at the highest comfortable point and then lower the shoulder back down to the stretched starting position and then repeat the whole procedure. Remember to keep your arm straight at all times. Complete 10-12 repetitions and then switch arms for the same amount. Perform 2-4 set per arm.


Use hyper extensions for your calisthenics workouts. Hyper Extension bench should be used for this purpose. If your gym doesn't have one, lie force down, crosswise, on a high bench so your torso is over the edge of the bench. Have your partner hold, sit, or in some way place resistance on your legs to counter balance the weight of your torso.

Place a light weight behind your neck and bend over at the waist. Slowly, raise your torso using your erector spine muscles untill your have come as high as possible. That should activate the greatest percentage of momentarily available muscle fibres, but to ensure that they were responsible for raising your torso, hold the fully contracted position for a distinct pause before lowering yourself slowly, in 4 seconds, back to the starting position. Repeat for your ISR, and then decrease the resistance and perform four more.

Grip Exercise

To build forearms and hand strength. Use a pocket hand gripper (which will get easily from any store which keeps sports and bodybuilding related things), or a hard rubber ball that fits in your hand, squeeze as hard as you can, relax and repeat for many reps.

Different Types of Stretching Techniques for Being Fit and Fine

Stretching is an exercise that is particularly designed to extend the muscles and limbs to their complete and full extent. It helps in the expansion of the muscles and limbs by widening or lengthening and is comprehensive to the overall fitness of the human body.

The main purpose of stretching is to provide enough stability and flexibility to the body and act as a simple and helpful tool before commencement of rigorous exercises. It helps to lengthen the muscle tissues of the body and helps in easy muscle performance.

Even after knowing the benefits of stretching, people and athletes sometime tends to ignore this very useful and simple activity. This is a great home exercise that is beneficial for the purpose of warming up the body and reducing the threat of connective tissue and muscle injuries.

Stretching can not alone be helpful to the cause of great muscular development but it can be useful for warming up and toning up the body. Rigorous exercises must be preceded by stretching to ensure optimum utilization from the workout at the gym.

Stretching can be done for 3 times a week and must not be less than 20 minutes per session and must be done slowly and carefully as strong and fast movements can lead to pain and injury. The number can be increased with the passage of time but can not be assumed to deliver all the benefits of rigorous exercises alone.

Types of Stretching:

  1. Side Stretch.
  2. Forward Bend
  3. Downward-Facing Dog
  4. Quad Stretch
  5. Cobra
  6. Child's Pose
  7. Hip Stretch
  8. Corpse Pose

The two basic Types of stretching exercises are the static stretch and the Ballistic Stretch.

Precautions/ Steps before commencing stretching:

  1. Warm-up is a must before stretching as it helps in the lubrication of the joints and warms the body muscles.
  2. Do it sensitively and do not over-stretch as that can lead to injuries.
  3. Stretching must not be done in case of stretch torn and injury to the muscles.
  4. Stretching must be under the guidance of a certified trainer in the initial stages.
  5. The stretch must be for a period of 20-30 seconds to maximize benefits.
  6. Cool-down and relaxation of the body must be done after stretching.


24 Hour Fitness is a Health club chain with a weight loss plan with over 300 clubs in 16 states of USA currently catering to more than 2.7 million members. It is the largest health club in the United States and is the World's largest privately owned and operated fitness center chain that was initiated way back in 1983.

By 1994, it was acquired after its partnership with an investment banking firm and the name 24 Hour Fitness was born. The primary focus of this health chain is Exercise and diet plans are secondary. The company has expanded itself into Europe in recent years and now also boasts of clubs in five Asian countries. The company provides over 13,000 classes offering exercise programs and fitness workouts to suit everyone's taste and style.

Personal Training:

The chain uses a line of dietary supplements developed for the APEX Fitness Group and the trainers uses the 24/5 Complete Personal Training programs to create a customized program. The intake of food, resistance exercise, cardio exercise and supplement recommendations are monitored and modified keeping individual goals in mind and diet plans are created differently for the client.

Types Of Clubs:

Active: These clubs are usually up to 25,000 sq. ft. and generally includes free weights, group exercise, cardio, locker rooms, personal training, steam room and a club for the kids.

Sport: A little larger club, usually 35-50,000 sq. ft. and generally includes all of the benefits of an active club in addition to basketball and a pool.

Super-Sport: These include all of the services of the Active and Sport clubs in addition to tanning.

Ultra-Sport: These are the largest of the chain's clubs, generally over 100,000 sq. ft. They include all of Active, Sport and Super-sport's services in addition to volleyball, squash, racquetball, rock climbing, massage, indoor running track and executive locker rooms.

The monthly fee of the club ranges from $28-$34 per month along with a registration fee. Fees are automatically deducted through electronic transfer from the checking account or via a credit card.

The fact that the health of an individual can be only monitored in a particular period of his age is wrong, as health is a continuing phenomenon and one can always look to monitor his health at all times to be ensured with a healthy body and mind.