Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weight lifting is not only about getting physically stronger so that you can lift more weight. Here are some of the many benefits that a well-planned and well-executed weight lifting program can bring.

Increased muscle mass and strength

A well-planned weight lifting program that trains all muscle groups leads to increases in muscle size and strength. In contrast, endurance activities do not produce significant changes in strength or muscle mass. Research has shown that a basic weight lifting program lasting just 25 minutes followed three times a week can increase muscle mass by about 1 kg over an eight week period, while lean mass gains of 20% of your starting body weight are common after the first year of training.

If you want to start a weight lifting program then go to our weight lifting program section.

Strengthened tendons and ligaments

Weight lifting increases the strength of the tendons and ligaments and therefore improves joint stability. It stimulates the production of collagen proteins in the tendons and ligaments, thus causing an increase in their structural strength.

Avoiding age-related muscle loss

Muscle mass and strength tend to decrease with age. Without strength training, adults typically lose 2.3-3.2 kg muscle every decade. Muscle loss occurs mainly in the fast twitch (FT) muscle fibres, which are involved in strength and explosive activities. This cannot be prevented by cardio-vascular exercise - only weight lifting maintains muscle mass and strength as you get older.

Increased bone density

Weight lifting improves bone strength and increases bone protein and mineral content. Studies show that the bones under the most stress from weight training have the highest bone mineral content. For example, it has been shown that there are significant increases in the bone mineral content of the upper femur (thigh) after four months of weight lifting? A US study found that women who followed a weight-training programme twice a week for one year developed 76% more bone strength than those who did no weight lifting. These findings therefore suggest that weight training reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Increased metabolic rate

Weight lifting increases the resting metabolic rate (RMR) - the energy required for tissue maintenance and essential functions. This is due to the fact that weight lifting increases muscle tissue, which has a higher energy requirement than fat tissue - i.e. muscle tissue is metabolically active. People who weight train therefore use more calories throughout the day. Research has shown that adding 1.4 kg muscle increases the RMR by 7% and our daily calorie requirement by 15%. Weight lifting also increases exercise metabolism. At rest, 0.45 kg muscle tissue requires 35 kcal/day. During exercise, energy expenditure rises dramatically - five to ten times above the resting level. Thus, the more muscle tissue you have, the greater the number of calories expended both during exercise and at rest.

The reduction in metabolic rate experienced by most people as they get older is largely due to a loss of muscle tissue. This loss accounts for the 2-5% decrease in RMR/ decade experienced by non-exercising adults, which may translate into unwanted body fat gain. Therefore, strength training is an excellent way of preserving muscle mass, preventing a reduction of metabolic rate and avoiding fat gain with age.

Reduced body fat

Without exercise, adults gain on average 7 kg of fat every decade. Weight lifting can help reduce body fat by increasing RMR (see above) and therefore daily calorie expenditure. One study found that weight lifting produced a loss of 1.8 kg fat after three months of training, despite a 15% increase in calorie intake. Another study of 282 adult beginners found that after eight weeks of weight lifting and aerobic exercise, they lost almost 4 kg fat and gained 1.4 kg muscle - a significant improvement in body composition.

Reduced blood pressure

Weight lifting has been shown to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure The effect is even greater if weight lifting is combined with aerobic exercise An American study found that a combination of two months of weight lifting and aerobic exercise resulted in a decrease in systolic blood pressure of 5 mm Hg, and diastolic blood pressure of 3 mm Hg.

Reduced blood cholesterol and blood fats

Studies have demonstrated improvements in blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides (fats) as a result of several weeks of weight lifting.

Improved posture

Weight lifting greatly improves overall posture, as well as correcting specific postural faults. A number of factors influence our posture, including skeletal structure, basic body type, strength and flexibility. Obviously, the first and second factors are controlled by our genetic make-up and cannot be altered. However, strength and flexibility can be changed through training or disuse (i.e. increased or decreased demand). Imbalances in these two components lead to postural faults, but these may be corrected through specific bodybuilding exercises and stretches.Improved psychological well-being

Consistent weight lifting helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression; uplift your mood; and promote more restful sleep. It may help decrease muscle tension due to the intensity of the muscular contractions. It also improves body image, which has a major effect on psychological well-being. Participants report that they have more energy, greater confidence and that they are prouder of their appearance.

Bodybuilding Contest Preparation

The most significant factor to prepare for the healthy and intellectual body building contest is managing diet and training.To initiate it, the prime thing a body builder should do is avoid putting on over 15 to 20 pounds of excess than permissible body weight for the particular contest he is preparing for, during the off season training phases. He should achieve it with steady low level aerobic workouts i.e. less than 70 percent of optimal Heart Rate done during the mornings before having the breakfasts for improved targeting of fat mobilization and the appropriate diet. Gaining bodyweight with the help of fat-rich diets is an obsolete method now as fat consumption is just not good for anybody.Sufficient time should be allowed for preparing to shred off excessive body fats gradually, and thus sparing the lean muscle mass. The body composition test should be initiated for using that measurement method every week to observe the fat loss. The body builder must ascertain his dietary needs to scheme his calorie requirements for enabling him to reach at the weight and body fat proportion that is actually required on the day of the contest. This is necessary for the total amount of calories required to sustain the body weight based on his lean body mass, body fat proportion as well as the activity levels. The body builder's tentative activity level on the basis of his recovery heart rate is: 100 BPM would burn 500 cal per hour of training, 115 BPM would burn 750 cal per hour of training and 125 BPM would burn 1,000 cal per hour of training.A void making the radical change in your calories intake, drop calories scarcely up to 500 calories per day at the most. Such calorie drop should be in the form of carbohydrates while on the low fat diet and ensure sustaining the protein intake of one to one and a half gram per pound of body weight as you need losing only 1 to 2 pounds per week. The contest date has to be ascertained well in advance to attain the targeted contest weight without having undergone intense dieting at the cost of your heard earned muscles anyway Once the diet is attained to the desired limits avoid changing it unless otherwise required during the pre-contest training. In case it is necessary, just remember 500 calories per day mostly from the carbohydrates. At such time the dietary fat should be at the minimum levels. For diminishing the body fats, add a set of 20-25 preps per muscle group each workout which would lead you to notice the body fat reducing whereas the lean muscle weight improves. If the body fat is not diminishing after another week, again add further sets of 20-25 reps and see the result. Ideally you should initiate with additional set per exercise and count measuring the body fat every week. Maintain doing low level aerobic workouts consistently besides posing as you would be needed posing not only for practicing but also for educating the muscles shrinking to the optimal capacity. This makes you look harder.

Friday, November 21, 2008

How to develop a Bodybuilding Program that is right for you

The synergy of three components of any successful exercise program that work together for to help strengthening your metabolism and provide you the best results; that include building lean muscles, reasonable cardiovascular exercise and the proper nutrition. It is essential considering the strategies required for undertaking the most ideal and successful strength training program. People are usually found to be looking for the best exercise for toning, and in fact there are no specific exercises for toning. Muscle tone is just the lean muscle without fat in and around it and the muscle is perhaps the only place where the fat is burned. Building of muscle is rather recommended even if you desire to have the leaner and toned look of your body. Once you gain the desired muscle mass, you can easily switch over to the maintenance program using machines for free weights.

Adding just 3 pounds of muscles would permit you to burn 5250 calories in excess per month just without doing any extra activities. This is equal to one and a half pounds of extra fat burned each month, or nearly 20 excess pounds each year. Three vital factors are required for optimizing your strength-training program. To start with, record your workouts in some pocket size notebook and take it with you at the gym also, jot down each sets or repetitions and weights that you do at the gym. It is rather difficult to maintain consistent progress unless you know the previous day's workout. This is supposed to be the simplest and yet the best strategy worth considering.

The next factor is developing new and lean muscle tissue, your muscles must be challenged until they are fatigued or what is known as the momentary muscle failure - the point at which you are unable to complete the next repetition even while using the strict form. Thus if you are doing the sets of 20 repetitions, you should choose the weight that permits you to easily finish the 20 repetitions and no more. Most of the people merely waste their times at the gym by not challenging their muscles or by randomly choosing weights. On the contrary better select the weight that needs your muscle to work with optimal strength and you would get the best results for your attempts.

Ultimately once your body has adjusted to the weight lifted during the earlier workouts, ensure further progress by attempting more in each of the following workouts. This mechanism is called the progressive resistance i.e. improving the amount of weight or the amount of repetitions with the same weight from one workout to the next one. Our bodies would only modify in retaliation to the greater challenge as compared to the one tackled earlier. Think of body's response to the sun exposure for getting better understanding, wherein the skin simply darkens for resisting itself from burning. And when again exposed to the sun, it does not require darkening further since it is already protected. The same way the body responds in the same way, it gets stronger and add new muscles only when they are challenged afar its earlier threshold. By the way, if at any time you wish switching over to the maintenance program, use machines or free weights twice to thrice every week by selecting the weight that is comfortable for 12 to 15 repetitions and maintaining the same weight consistent from one workout to the subsequent.


Misconceptions on Bodybuilding

Body building exercises include strength training or power training as well as some aerobics. Body building is basically done for improving the body muscle mass. Numerous hypes and advertisements suggest statements to swindle making us doubt whether we are using proper training techniques and diets. They are nothing but just body building myths that are mostly misleading or vague and lead people induced to buy hopeless products and ultimately train less effectively and thereby producing poor results. Given below are some of the most commonly used misconceptions regarding body building.

Lifting weights never work the heart
This is of course wrong information as by lifting weights with moderately brief resting periods of 1 to 2 minutes would indeed raise the heart beats pretty over the hundred counts each minute. For instance, performing the thorough leg workout with the brief interval between the sets will positively make the heart rates working profoundly. The heart will contract faster and the total cardiovascular system would rise providing you the ultimate body workout. Any rigorous weightlifting session that lasts 20 minutes or more than that with brief stop over of 1 to 2 minutes is the ideal workout with the sound weightlifting session.

The muscles would turn to fat when the training is abandoned
This is the also the total misunderstanding as in fact, when the person gives up training, the muscles usually contract and ultimately soften up, but if the calorie intake is reduced by keeping the diet lean, the person would hardly gain even a pound excess. Ensure to diminish the calories consumption while maintaining the lean diet in case if you are not really doing any physical activities. All the surplus nutrients that have been ingested are stored as fats and are difficult to shred out. Actually mere 5 gm of excess fat daily stored in the system over 365 days would end up extremely odd by the year end. Hence regular physical activities are recommended to be done with maintained diet plans.

Getting big by slicing all at a time
In rare cases the persons with great genetics grow big while remaining comparatively sliced. But the general people have to gain optimal muscle mass to the best possible by consequently slicing down the body fat amount for attaining the desired shape.

Body building may stop the child's growth
This is partially wrong thinking as of course is the child of 12 year is lifting the excessively heavy weights on routine basis; there are chances that his growth spurt is affected. But if the child lifts light to moderate weights under strict supervision in proper form, it would help him strengthening the bones besides improving his cardiovascular abilities.

Weight lifting makes big faster
Lifting weights only cannot make anyone grow his muscle big enough. The perfect combination of three main elements can only help getting the muscles bigger and harder. For this, plenty of proteins and complex carbohydrates are required to be ingested accompanied by proper rest periods allowed to the muscles for restoring and grow thoroughly.

Steroids and supplements help getting big
This is totally wrong conception as anyone is not recommended taking steroids or supplements without researching its pros and cons. Further, taking any such elements without good workout routine is of no use, anyway.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bodybuilding Tattoo - A Way of Body Modification

A tattoo is a mark made by inserting pigment onto the skin, in technical terms, tattooing is micro-pigment implantation. Tattoos may be made on human or animal skin. Tattoos on humans are a type of body modification. They first came to prominence in the 17th century. They depicted exotic far from eastern lands like China . Earlier, they were designed to excite audiences that give them an attractive look on their body. But now, these are being professionally used with different type of look depending on the purpose you want to show it. Like for rock hard looks, different types of tattoos are there, for love emotions they have different design etc .

Body building Tattoo addicts all over the world and now they are breathing a sigh of relief as they have Instant Access to thousands of gorgeous body building Tattoo Designs over Internet. You can easily browse the design of body building tattoo from the comfort of your home. What all you have to do is, just find the tattoo you liked most, take print out of that design and bring it to the tattoo artist. And now you just have to wait for sometime and a rocking body building tattoo will be there on your skin. And you can be sure that no one else has the exact same design of your tattoo as new designs are being added regularly over internet and you can download any design whenever you want.

Body building tattoo is not only for those who are involved with great body building events or for any body builder, but anyone can get their skin designed with these, it will even give you inspiration toward considering and building up your body. And you will enjoy too by having it on your skin. You must decide and then choose which design of body building tattoo you want. So, how will you find a perfect tattoo? The secret is to browse through a lot of body building tattoo ideas before you settle on one. All tattoo decisions should be made based on careful consideration in peace so as to get a perfect one that you can retain forever also. After this, when you will have a perfect design of body building tattoo, get it designed on your skin and then you will definitely feel a good sense of excitement as you have got an added precious attraction on your skin and will surely centralize many eyes on that.

Natural Bodybuilding

One would always wish to shape his body with beautiful curves and large muscles exactly like that of the professional body builders. But for making such dream come true, one has to follow and practice body building workouts and exercises besides altering his food habits and resting notion. The body building involves rigorous training and exhaustive exercises on the different machines on regular basis. Hence if the person is serious enough to build his body same as any renowned professional body builder, he should rather opt for the natural body building process.

Natural body building workouts demand several factors including the discipline and is considered as the most essential part of the process. Excessive exercising may keep your body from recovering and growing as faster as it could have otherwise. Simultaneously exercising very less or the undisciplined approach to the required diets would also restrain your growth as well. Through exploiting your skill and energy towards the implementation of your desired training goals, you can easily grant your body the ultimate amount of growth incentives.

Discipline in general is rather required for attaining the desired goals in natural body building anyway. There may be various commotions around and hardly any required time for doing just everything that you desire. But if you are disciplined enough, you can definitely strain through such complex alternatives and create properties. Discipline encourages you maintaining the preset targets without spontaneous divergences that could obstruct your track. All you are required to do is just stick to your workouts and recommended diet plans without hopping even a single day by any means.

The natural body building workouts generally comprise of a couple of basic factors such as resistance training and cardiovascular exercises. The cardiovascular exercises promote you to burn calories and achieve fat loss, whereas the resistance training on the other hand would help you building muscle through workouts on the muscle groups in the body by using free weights during the exercise sessions. Such free weights entail dumb bells and barbells. As the body builder one has to undergo the free weights exercises as much as from three to five times every week, however the frequency may increase in case you intend to participate in any body building competitions. It is equally important to do some cardiovascular exercises such as biking or jogging for at least three to five times per week simultaneously.

While undertaking the natural body building program you may be required to spend around thirty to forty five minutes per session in the initial stage, for working out with the free weights. However, mind that exceeding such time frames may prove to be dangerous to the body as overexerted muscles may get injured faster. Besides this the weights being lifted by you should neither be lighter nor very heavy against recommended parameters. Always try to go for the recommended weights only so that you can easily go for four to six repetitions per set of exercise session. Resting for at least 2 to 3 minutes between each set is the most important factor for permitting the muscles to recover properly.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Information, Facts and Great Tips on Bodybuilding, Exercise, Workouts, Supplements, Weight Lifting and Fat Burning

Sometimes when you're doubtful about the authenticity of information on body building it's a challenge to pick the outstanding recommendations from the bad advice. There's so much wordiness on body building that it's often very hard to know from where to start. The purpose of this site is to bring the benefits of various nutritional, bodybuilding and weight loss supplements to your attention so that you may be aware of some additional tools to build rock hard muscles and become a true bodybuilder.

You will find here all loosing weight, mass gaining, weight lifting and body building products with the finest ingredients. There are also many tips on weight lifting, bodybuilding, fat burning, gaining weight, losing weight and much more..Plus there are really cool special offers just for you on almost all the items. Plus there are also many  for almost every body part and many useful supplements like  and many other.

We have also just now added our  too to provide you tips on how to cure different injuries, their symptoms, what prevention tips you can take against them and much more..

It’s never too late and never the wrong time to start exercising. Or, maybe you already exercise, but need some advice or upgrading regarding your health & fitness equipment. Home fitness machines are a way of exercising that comes with the convenience of being right at home!

 has become popular in recent years and health & fitness equipment and home fitness machines continue to be a common mode of exercise. Convenient, safe, and effective, home gyms are very practical.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Gyms

Bring professional equipment into your home with your own home gym. Multi station home gyms would be the investment for lifetime. The best home gyms are available to you online and the benefits of universal gyms will soon outweigh the price you paid in the beginning.

You may be thinking that home fitness machines or health & fitness equipment will be too expensive for you. Well, not to worry! As with almost anything, there are discounts available for home gyms.

Health & fitness equipment is available at wholesale cost or as refurbished merchandise. just be sure you know what you're getting yourself into when you purchase a new machine, total home gym or any health and fitness equipment.

Multi-station home-gyms are designed to give you the same workouts you would get on all the machines at a fitness club. Used home gyms are also available at a portion of the cost of new home gyms, so be sure to check into used equipment.

The longer the warranty, the greater the confidence that the manufacturer has in its product. At bodybuilding4u.com, we only choose models from manufacturers who build quality products and back them with substantial warranties.

Browse through the different multi-station home gyms and choose the one that suits you best and for your needs.

Remember! You may be able to find a great deal on used multi station gyms on eBay.com...so don’t forget to browse the auctions.

Also, remember that all companies offer convenient shipping to most destinations in the US, UK, Canada and worldwide. Good prices and convenient shipping at your fingertips.

Home Gyms

Ab Rollers

One must choose a perfect abdominal machine that has capacity to provide most effective and best exercise to people. It's very simple to use Ab rollers for this purpose. Exercise with ab rollers are really useful in strengthening the muscles of abdominal and trim your waistline. This fitness equipment gives strength to the body by toning ab muscles with low impact and smooth motion. You can get rock hard abs by using ab roller with five minutes daily exercise.

There are plenty of advantages involved in exercising with ab rollers. Like, you can easily do abdominal exercise at home instead of gym. Along with the convenience, it's also very effective and useful method in strengthening the abdominal muscles. Ab rollers provide maintenance to the neck and it keeps one relax during performing any exercise. Many ab rollers are available in order to serve you for the respective purpose.

Some of the commonly used ab rollers are:-

  • Double Exercise Wheel Ab Roller, best for Toning and Strengthening Abs.
  • Ab Roller with additional elbow support targeting both lower and upper abdominal.
  • AB Roller Exerciser Bench, made of PVC, ABS and Steel gives a great comfort to exercise the abdomen and simultaneously strengthens thigh, arm and back.
  • Ab Roller Pro with positioned curved bars gives you elbow support as well as keep you comfortable during workout.

Various abdominal exercises are there which can be done with an ab roller. Some of the effective exercises that can be performed with it are: First of all you have to lie on a mat, place your hands on frame, feet flat on the floor and head against the ab roller pad. Then perform these exercises:-

Basic Crunch –. Using your abdominal muscles, raise your shoulders up to around 45° and then lower them back down to mat, and repeat.

Oblique Crunch - Drop your legs to one side and raise your shoulders up to around 45° and then lower them back down to mat. Repeat with your legs lowered to other side.

  • Raised Knee Crunch and Oblique - Keeping your knees together and back flat, curl your legs up (and to the side for oblique) with your thighs at 90° angle to your back. Raise your shoulders to about 45° and then lower them back down to mat.

  • Raised Straight Leg Crunch - Keeping your legs together, raise your legs straight in air. Then raise your shoulders to about 45° and then lower them back down to mat

  • Bicycle Crunch - Lift your legs and peddle them while simultaneously raising your shoulders to about 45° and then lowering them back down to mat.

  • Double Crunch - With your knees bent, lift your thighs to an angle of 90° in back direction. Then raise your shoulders to about 45° and simultaneously moving your knees toward chest. Then lower your back to mat and return your legs to same angle of 90°.

  • Scissor Crunch - With your legs straight, raise your shoulders to about 45° while simultaneously crossing one leg over the other. Perform this motion with both legs while raising and lowering your shoulders.

So, what are you waiting for? With all above explanations you have understood how much attractive part your abs play in your body and ab rollers are the best way to keep them attractive. So, without wasting your precious time, get them now.

Body Building Recipes

Body building requires total physical as well as nutritional check. When the person is able to fulfill his physical exercise routine, the immediate next thing he requires to check out is the properly balanced nutritional diets that the person takes for complementing his body building routines. We all know that the over training of body building never helps improving the physical conditions anyway. Harder training when accompanied by proper rest and sufficient sleep can definitely help you achieve the desired goal easily. Foods like eggs, beef, fish, cheese, milk, nuts, beans and some whole grains are considered to be the excellent sources of protein for the body. Hence ensure that you include any of such food in your routine diet plans. Besides, these also ensure that you properly include foods with carbohydrates and sugars as well. Though not all the foods that are rich in carbohydrates would work positive to your body building routines, most of them may contribute boosting the transient energy levels.

But body building recipes could perhaps make the miracle. While making the body building recipes, one of the most usual misconceptions is that the person is required to significantly raise his protein consumption for building up his muscles. Some are found to be even going extremes and literally make their complete diets comprising purely of protein. On the contrary, there are people who believe that consuming excess protein could damage the body. Excess protein in the body building recipes could cause the great amount of strain on the body organs especially like kidneys. When the person has excess protein in his bodybuilding recipes, his body is believed to generate lots of ketones [organic compounds like propanone/acetone] that are toxic to the body. In turn the kidneys have to work harder in order to expel the ketones out of the body. Now when the kidneys are working harder than normal for expelling out the ketones, the body is compelled to lose water too. If the body loses excessive water, like typically if you sweat more while exercising, the body could lead to dehydration - means the deficit of water in the body. Dehydration makes the body lose electrolytes and develop exhaustion, giddiness and casual arrhythmias.

Ideal body building recipes are generally composed of the perfect balancing of the carbohydrates, fats and the proteins in the routine diets. The most essential thing worth remembering while making the body building recipes is that you would not be able to improve your muscle mass by simple raising the protein consumption anyway. It is also vital that the person should improve his total calories consumptions. The person is required to improve his exercise standards while using his body building recipes. As revealed by the 1992 specific study, if the person increases both his protein and calorie consumptions but sustain the activity levels, he would gain the muscle mass and fats as well. While preparing the body building recipes however, one should not anyway, follow the propaganda made by different players in the markets. The most essential facts that are required to be accepted like for building better muscle mass, it is necessary to keep the body healthy and effectively functioning on regular basis.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Disadvantages & Dangers of Steroids

The Steroids are considered to be the synthetic derivatives of the male sex hormones called testosterones that are usually taken for improving the muscle strength and size. Testosterones are generated by male and females but females generate comparatively much a lesser amount of it. Testosterones help building tissues and muscles in the male bodies. Steroids boost the muscle building process by enhancing the quantity of testosterones in the body.

Steroids are also considered to be effecting the growth of reproductive organs, enlarging penal length and restrain as well as development of pubic and facial hair. Most of the people opt for the steroids because of the fact that steroids help them increase their mass and lose fat faster. However, steroids are believed to cause various negative effects also. When combined with weight lifting steroids are believed to improve the muscle building process of the body. However, the physical and psychological damage that is usually caused by the use of steroids far overshadows all the probable advantages.

Steroids are believed to be effecting in the human body in various ways beginning over several days. The basic use of steroids in the healthcare is for diminishing the inflammation and several other disease symptoms. Steroid inhalers have the significant role in decreasing deaths due to asthma, local steroid injections are useful for treating the painful joints and ligaments, steroid creams are widely used for treating eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. Steroids make the entire immune system in the body less active. Steroids are considered to be the vital anti-inflammatory drugs.

The apparent effects of steroids usage are quite a few that incorporate the raised blood pressure, reduction in levels of HDL, the good cholesterol, obliteration of liver, contraction of testicles in males, contraction of breast and uterus in females, infertility and impotency in both males and females, and irrepressible change in the moods that include both gloominess and belligerence. Irrespective of your interests or goals, the use of steroids should be averted to the extent it is possible. Knowing and employing the strength training and nutrition standards that are educated, besides being steady in the training program are the means to muscle size and strength improvement and good health, even more significant, with no fatal side effects. As per the reports revealed by the United States Department of Health, there are some proven and probable side effects that include:

Acne, abdominal pains, violent and fighting behavioral moods, anaphylactic shock, baldness, female danger, irretrievable, black tarry stools, unusually bleeding, regurgitate with blood, unpleasant breath odor, bone pain, breasts swelling and soreness, breast cancer, chills, fluctuating cholesterol levels, death, depression, diarrhoea, edema - accumulation of morbid fluid, fetal damage, fever, gall bladder stones, inhibited growth, persistent headaches, delayed healing of injuries, heart attacks, high blood pressures, irreversible hairiness, hives, hypocalcaemia or excess calcium levels, impotency, disturbed immunity system, insomnia, jaundice, kidney diseases, lethargy, liver diseases, irregular menstruation periods, muscle cramps, muscle tendons, ligament injuries, nausea, oily skin condition, painful male reproductive organ or priapism, increase in prostate glands, purple-red blemishes on the body inside mouth and nose, rashes, septic shock or blood poisoning, sexual problems, sore tongue, infertility, stroke, testicular atrophy, urinary related problems, and weight gain or weight loss disorders.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Animal stack is a body building supplement used for increasing muscle strength and muscle size. It is specific product made for hardcore body builders. There are 8 different stacks in this formula. They are prohormones, growth hormones, lutenizing hormone, thermogenics, DHT blockers, estrogen blockers, liver support and vitamins and minerals supplementation. Animal stack body supplement is used for increasing muscle strength. It has a strength anabolic formula available in individual packs. Each pack contains effective doses of ingredients, which help to increase the strength and performance of body.

Nutrients Present in Animal Stack

Nutrients available in animal stack supplement are androstene, 19-nor-andro, tribulus, chrysin, ornithine.

Dosage for Animal Stack Supplement

Take one animal stack pack daily for 21 days. During training period take this pack 30 minutes before doing exercises. During non-training period take it on an empty stomach between meals. Do not exceed recommended dosage. Take recommended dosage of animal stack to avoid side effects. Consult doctor immediately if there are any side effects due to usage of this animal stack body-building supplement.

Ingredients in Animal Stack

Ingredients used in this animal stack are gelatin, dicalcium phosphate, whey, lecithin, microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid and magnesium stearate, zinc, chromium picolinate, vitamin C, pyridoxine, magnesium, longjack extract, avena sativa extract, calcium D- glucarate, B- sitosterol, Dindolymethane, milk thistle extract, saw palmetto extract, tribulus extract complex. There are total 8 different stacks available in this formula and ingredients will differ in all 8 different stacks. Quantity of ingredients also varies.

Uses and Benefits of Animal Stack Supplement

Benefits of Animal stack supplement are as discussed in this paragraph. Animal stack helps in protein synthesis, lowers protein degeneration, promotes amino acid uptake in muscles, and enhances amino acid and glucose transport in muscle cells. It also supports the liver, provide mineral vitamin support to the muscles, and increase luteinizing hormone, increases energy for animalistic performance in gym, boosts the testosterone levels naturally, growth in hormones and increase in IGF levels are some benefits from this supplement.

Side Effects of Animal Stack

Individuals under age group of 18 should not use this Animal stack supplement. Pregnant women should not use this animal stack. Side effect caused by the usage of this Animal stack supplement is hair loss. It should be kept away from children. One should discontinue the usage of this animal stack if he or she experiences symptoms like sleeplessness, nervousness, nausea, loss of appetite, etc. one should not take this animal stack supplement more than the recommended dosage. Take an advice of your doctor before using this Animal stack supplement to avoid side effects.

Andro Supplements - Side Effects - Andro Ban

What are Andro Supplements?

Andro supplements include androstenedione and androstenediol. They are precedent to testosterone. Although you produce them naturally in the adrenal glands, yet they are also available as supplements. The' andro' hormones have very little muscle-building activity themselves, but the theory is that 'andro' supplements will convert into testosterone in your body and increase your testosterone levels. As testosterone - a powerful anabolic hormone which increases your strength, muscle mass and athletic performance. It is classed as a banned substance and is illegal to buy, they could therefore be viewed as a legal alternative for strength and power athletes.

Do Andro Supplements work?

Despite excessive claims made by the manufacturers, the andro supplements do not enhance strength, muscle mass or athletic performance when taken in the dosages recommended by the manufacturers. In 'The Andro Project', researchers at East Tennessee State University carried out a major study of the effects of 'andro' supplements in 50 men aged 35-65 and found no evidence to back up the manufacturers' claims. The men took part in a 12-week weight-training programme and were given either 200 mg androstenedione, 200 mg androstenediol or a placebo (dummy pill). Although testosterone levels increased by 16% after one month in those taking the androstenedione, by the end of 12 weeks they went back to normal. That's because their bodies shut down their own production of testosterone. All the men got stronger during the 12-week programme but there was no difference between those taking the 'andro' supplements and those taking the placebo. What's more, levels of the female hormone oestrogen rose in those using supplements! This could lead to feminisation over a period of time, the opposite of what male strength trainers want to achieve.

What dose of Andro Supplements should I take?

Clearly, the doses of 200 mg recommended by manufacturers of andro supplements do not raise testosterone levels nor change your body composition. Androstenedione may raise testosterone levels when taken in higher doses (300 mg), according to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital/University of Massachesetts Medical School, but they still fail to increase stength or muscle mass.

Andro Nitrate Fuel

Click below to see more information about the product and its price.

Are there any side effects of androstenedione?

The androstenedione raise levels of female sex hormones, including oestrogen and its related compounds. This could lead to gynecomastia (breast development) and lowered libido in men. Some manufacturers recommended taking an oestrogen blocker, chrysin, to counteract this side effect. However, there is no evidence that it works. Another serious side effect of 'andro' use is lowered levels of high-density liporotein or the' good' cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease.

Two more good reasons not to take andro supplements are the danger of contamination and the risk of failing a drugs test. In a study carried out at the University of California, Los Angeles, all those taking androstenedione were found to have high levels of 19 norandrosterone (the standard marker for nandrolone use) in their urine. The levels were high enough to 'test positive' in a drugs test for steroids. 'Andro' itself does not produce 19-norandrosterone, so researchers concluded that the 'andro' supplements were contaminated with it. When researchers then analysed seven brands of androstenedione, they found that five did not contain the amount stated on the label while one actually contained testosterone!

Should we ban andro supplements?

At the time of publication, androstenedione is banned at Olympics but is still legal to buy and readily available from manufactures of bodybuilding supplements. It is not yet classed as an illegal anabolic steroid but a number of scientists are seeking justification to ban it. The fact that it is chemically very similar to testosterone makes it a likely candidate. However, scientists would also need to prove to drug-enforcement agencies that androstenedione builds muscle. As there is mounting evidence that it doesn't promote muscle growth, it may not receive a ban in the end and could continue to be sold under misleading claims.

Alpha Lipoic Acid : Bodybuilding Supplement Reviews and Information

Information for Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is a vitamin like antioxidant that is manufactured in body and used mainly to prevent various diseases. It is found in foods such as meat and veggies. It also helps to increase the production of glutathione which helps in dissolving toxic substances in lever. It also helps to generate the energy required by living organisms to function properly. It is soluble in fat and water. It is found in some foods like liver and yeast. It is a natural substance. ALA is a biological antioxidant that helps to slow down the oxidative damage in cells.

Nutrients Present in Alpha Lipoic Acid

Nutrients available in alpha lipoic acid are vitamin C and vitamin E, glutathione, coenzyme Q 10.

Dosage for Alpha Lipoic Acid

This ALA is available in dosages ranging from 30 mg to 100 mg tablets. If you are a healthy person then you can take 30 mg to 300 mg per day. People with specific health concerns can take 600-1800 mg per day of ALA for optimal benefits. One should take according to dosage suggested by the physician so that we can keep ourselves away from side effects and health problems.

Ingredients in Alpha Lipoic Acid

Ingredients used in this Alpha Lipoic Acid are as follows. ALA contains hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and microcrystalline cellulose. Other ingredients are salt, wheat, no added sugar, corn, gluten, dairy products, and coloring.

Uses and Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

ALA is beneficial for individuals with diabetes, high level of cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, etc. ALA helps make vitamin C and vitamin E work well. It is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals. It is used to treat and detox the liver. It protects retina and lens of your eyes from degeneration. It reverses the aging cells of the brain. ALA is beneficial in the treatment of glaucoma. It helps to prevent brain damage in older people. It is a powerful antioxidant. It also helps in skin care. It also helps in increase of skin glow.

Side Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid

If we take ALA in higher quantities than recommended there is a chance of nausea and upset stomachs, and some times excessive dosage may lead to low blood sugar. Some times skin rashes may also form on your body. It is better to consult a doctor immediately if you have any health problems or side effects due to usage of ALA. It is safe to keep our body away from side effects by taking recommended dosage given by the physician.

Acetyl L-Carnitine Information - Meaning - Uses, Benefits, Side Effects and Symptoms

Acetyl L-Carnitine is primarily derived from the methionine and lysine amino acids and is largely synthesized in the kidney and liver of the human body. It must be carried to other body tissues so that they can use them. The content of L-Carnitine is found in abundant in cardiac and skeletal muscles which use fatty acids of the body as the chief dietary fuel.

The primary aim of L-Carnitine supplements to the human body is the oxidation of fatty acids that helps in regulating the undesired fat in the body. Fatty acids are used predominantly for energy purposes and oxidation refers to the process of burning these fatty acids by breaking them for the purpose of creation of energy. Carnitine is beneficial to carry the fatty acids past the mitochondria membrane for allowing oxidation of fats in the human body.

Some Benefits of Acetyl L Carnitine:

  1. It helps in production of energy.
  2. It is also beneficial for weight loss.
  3. It slows down aging.
  4. It prevent cataract.
  5. It improves level of cellular energy in the brain.
  6. Reduces depression symptoms and enhance mental performance.
  7. Support body functions having a high demand level.

It also plays an important role in the production of energy in the body besides supporting all the functions of the body that needs high doses of energy. Carnitine is present in many food items such as grains, meat and vegetables. It is found in abundance in red meats like lamb and beef.

The human body is able to produce only a meager amount of L-Carnitine daily and that too is concentrated mainly in the skeletal and heart muscles. This may be the most needed essential nutrient in cases where its demand exceed someone's ability to synthesis it.

Those who are vegetarian are at a loss of Carnitine but that can be easily met with several Carnitine supplements available in the market worldwide today.

Side Effects of Carnitine:

  1. Rise in blood pressure.
  2. Heartbeat tends to get faster.
  3. Diarrhea and fever.

Symptoms of Acetyl L Carnitine Deficiency:

  1. Weakening of muscles.
  2. Heart irregularities.
  3. Malfunctioning of kidneys after exercise session.
  4. Muscle cramping and muscle fatigue.

How much Should I Take?

Normally, approximately 2gm can be taken and the supplements of L-Carnitine supplements normally come in 250mg and 500mg.

Thus it can be summarized that Carnitine acts as a mode of transportation of carrying energy to the body and helps in proper functioning of the body. It is found in abundance in red meats and support body functions having a high demand level.

Tips For Choosing Bodybuilding Supplements

Instead of wasting lot of money on the bunch of body building supplements, you truly require working out for what exactly you intend to get. None of the body building supplements can singly provide all the essential nutrients that are highly required by any body builder. In fact the body building supplement should always be used in addition to the routine diet plans but not as its substitute. The suitable body building supplement could only be determined on the basis of the physical and performance targets of the individual willing to go for it. No two individuals could be benefited equally by any particular body building supplement, so copying your gym partner would be mere wastage of money and energy in short. First you should determine what exactly you wish to gain and then select the supplements that you think would help you attaining your desired goal.

Building muscles mass is rather impossible without intense dedication, absolute hard work supported by the most effective nutrition. With the help of strong base in place one can help processing along with body building such as, Creatine, whey protein, prohormones, testosterone boosters and amino acids. Building and developing strong muscle mass for successful body building is not possible if they are covered by the layers of fat. All the excess fat in the body could be lost or burned by using different products from supplement categories that entail fat burners, stimulant free products, appetite suppressants and carbohydrate blockers. One can find various supplements that are especially designed for supporting the body building concepts. Such supplements include energy boosters and products meant for improving the conditions of person's body and mind.

Every body builder has his own goal when he starts body building. Some of them who are bulky wish to shred off their fats while others want to build the stronger body. Now what exactly one wants to achieve for his body building is entirely depended upon the body building supplement that he selects. The body building supplements affect the goals that the body builders want to attain. So it is rather necessary to know thoroughly about the body building supplements before you opt for any of them.

For getting the suitable and right body building supplement, you should better discuss with your fitness trainer before starting the body building and before choosing the body building supplements as the body building has certain rules and regulations to be followed. Only your fitness instructor can suggest you the best and effective body building supplement that can really benefit you based on your typical medical and physical conditions. There are various types of body building supplements - different for men and women.

There are a couple of things that one should obviously know regarding the body building supplements and nutrition. Body build is the process that entails the extensive array of various routines, not only physical but also mental and disciplinary. That is the reason why one should be thoroughly aware of the different kinds of foods that he consumes while aiming to build up the muscles of his body. Some of the most useful tips for choosing the body building supplements for persons who are not interested in consulting their fitness instructors they can base their choice on certain tips.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Female Creatine Serum - Dosage and Precautions while Using

Creatine is used for the purpose of bodybuilding and to increase the lean muscle mass is found in the human body naturally. The Body may also receive it from dietary or food supplements that are rich in Creatine.

Creatine serum helps in delaying body fatigue by combating against buildup of lactic acid. It also helps in improving the sprint time and also is beneficial to increase the long distance endurance of the Human Body. The special formulation of Creatine serum is beneficial in protecting the joints from any stress-related injuries. This is a stable liquid that is absorbed simply and immediately into the bloodstream and then goes to the muscles releasing energy at a fast speed.

The serum is to be used in the quantity of 1 teaspoon immediately before the workout. This can be taken either with water, swallowed or taken under the tongue.

Female Creatine serum consists of natural ingredients that are made in accordance with the female body structure and requirements. It also has the benefit of no retention of water in the body and the body does not show any signs of dehydration, bloating or cramping. The serum is soluble, safe and easily absorbed by the Body.

What are the Benefits of this serum to me?

  1. The Creatine serum is found to be 100% stable and with a shelf life of 2 years.
  2. There is no maintenance or loading required.
  3. This reaches the muscles of the Body in a few seconds and is 100% soluble.
  4. It contains additional supplements that are of great use to the athletes.
  5. It does not lead to retention of water in the body or dehydration.

Can I use the serum?

If you fall in any of the undermentioned categories, please do not use this serum, unless otherwise provided by your medical practitioner.

  • Pregnant women or breast feeding mothers.

  • People who suffers from Diabetes.

  • People who suffers from high blood pressure

  • People suffering from any health diseases or those who use any additional medications are required to consult a certified medical practitioner prior to the usage.

Ingredient Details:

The Creatine serum contains all or many of the following ingredients and depends upon the manufacturer's contents.

Creatine Monohydrate : This is used to increases strength of muscles, energy and stamina in addition to building of lean muscle mass,

Glucosamine : This is beneficial in repairing of the deteriorated joints. It also controls inflammation and pain of joints. It can be used to relieve and reverse the signs of arthritis.

Royal Jelly : It contains 8 significant amino acids and is used for the enhancement of mental alertness and helps in combating fatigue.

Vitamin B12 : This is beneficial for support nerve and metabolism of the muscles.

Ginkgo Biloba Extract : It is helpful in the improvement of the oxygen flow and circulation to the brain, heart and extremities.

Wild Yam Extract : This helps in fighting against retention of water in the body and to avoid constipation and bloating.

Soluble Bioflavonoid : This is good for improving circulation and strengthening the blood vessels and improving the liver function.

Papaya Extract : This is an enzyme that proves to be helpful for breaking down of protein into a digestible state.

Honey : This high source of glycemic helps to increase the uptake of Creatine in the muscles cells of the Human Body.

Creatine - All you ever wanted to know about Creatine Health Supplement

Creatine is found to be the most researched and the common performance enhancing nutritional supplement. It is used for the purpose of bodybuilding and to increase the lean muscle mass and is found in the human body naturally. The human Body may also receive it from dietary or food supplements that are found to be rich in Creatine. Creatine is a combination of the three amino acids Arginine, glycine and methionine.

Does Creatine Really Help to Build Muscle?

Creatine does make the muscles to build but not in the manner in which people ought to believe.

How is Creatine produced?

It is a substance that is produced naturally in the human body and therefore, it cannot be classified as a drug. The use of Creatine is legal in the United States and it is widely accepted as a great food supplement all over the globe.

What are the Effects of Creatine Supplements on Body?

Creatine is found to be beneficial in the overall growth of the lean muscle mass and help the bodybuilders with required amount of energy that is required by their strong bodies. It is soluble in water and start giving the results in a short span of 5 minutes.

What's the difference between Creatine powder and Creatine serum, and which is better?

This is a point of issue since the time Creatine serum was launched. The main difference is that Creatine serum is a liquid. This is individual specific as some people like Creatine in powdered form and some in liquid form while others opt for Creatine stack which is a combination of both.

What are the side effects of using Creatine?

In acute cases, athletes have complained of gas, diarrhea and bloating with over-usage of Creatine and that was cured itself when the dosage was lowered. No long-term side effects have been proved yet.

What are the Benefits of Creatine serum?

  1. The Creatine serum is found to be 100% stable and with a shelf life of 2 years.
  2. There is no maintenance or loading required.
  3. This reaches the muscles of the Body in a few seconds and is 100% soluble.
  4. It contains additional supplements that are of great use to the athletes.
  5. It does not lead to retention of water in the body or dehydration.

Who all can use the Creatine serum?

If you fall in any of the undermentioned categories, please DO NOT use this serum, unless otherwise provided by your medical practitioner.

  • Pregnant women or breast feeding mothers.

  • People who suffers from Diabetes.

  • People who suffers from high blood pressure

  • People suffering from any health diseases or those who use any additional medications are required to consult a certified medical practitioner prior to the usage.

Creatine for Woman

Studies have not revealed any distinction between man and women for the use of Creatine. But advice of a medical practitioner before such usage is highly recommendable.

Should I cycle Creatine?

This is still to be verified scientifically. But it is supposed that helpful effects of Creatine taper off after sometime and cycling can be done to prevent it.

Is Creatine unstable in solution?

YES , this is true. It degrades to become Creatinine eventually which is a useless substance to the human muscles. It is advised that Creatine must not be left dissolved in juice or water for a long period (6-8 hours).

The Importance of Creatine In Building Lean Muscle

Creatine is produced naturally in the body and is basically used to supply energy to the body muscles. The more muscles a person has, more is the Creatine requirements. It is produced in the pancreas, liver and kidneys before it is supplied to the body by blood. Then it is changed to phosphocreatine which acts as a strong metabolite for providing energy to the body muscles.

An Anti-Aging Supplement That Really Works - Creatine

It is surely one of the best available performance enhancing supplement that is also certified by scientifically and medical authorities of its benefits.

Creatine and Alcohol

Although not scientifically proven, Creatine and alcohol must not be mixed together as that is considered to have a lethal toll on the body.

What are Creatine Supplements?

Creatine supplement is a protein, made naturally in the body from three amino acids (glycine, arginine and methionine). You can also obtain it from fish, beef and pork, although you would need to eat at least 2 kg/day to get a performance-boosting effect. In the muscle cells, it combines with phosphate to make phosphocreatine (PC). Phosphocreatine (PC) is an energy producing compound that regenerates adenosine triphosphate (ATP, a compound which provides energy) extremely rapidly during high-intensity activity. The idea with creatine supplementation is to increase your muscles' phosphocreatine (PC) content. In theory, the more phosphocreatine (PC) you have, the longer you will be able to sustain high-intensity activity.

Do Creatine Supplements Work?

Creatine supplementation typically raises phosphocreatine (PC) stores in the muscle by around 20%. In terms of performance, most - although not all studies have found that creatine supplements increase your strength (as measured by the One-rep-max), allow you to perform more repetitions (at 70% one-rep max) before reaching failure, and enable you to recover faster between sets. This would allow you to increase your training volume (i.e. lift heavier weights, perform more repetitions) and therefore gain a greater training effect. In terms of muscle growth, studies have also found that creatine supplements promote muscle hypertrophy (excessive growth) and produce significant gains in total body weight, muscle size and muscle mass. For example, researchers at Pennsylvania State University measured a total body weight gain of 1.7 kg and muscle mass gain of 1.5 kg after seven days of creatine supplementation in a group of 19 weight trainers. After 12 weeks, total weight gain averaged 4.8 kg and muscle mass gain averaged 4.3 kg.

Weight gain is partly due to increased cell water content and partly due to increased protein content. Creatine draws water into the muscle cells and this increased cell volume becomes an anabolic signal for muscle growth. Protein breakdown is reduced and protein manufacture is increased.

What are Creatine Benefits?

When you run the bases, throw a pass or row a boat, muscles depend on a substance called ATP for energy. In the process, ATP is broken down into ADP. That is when energy sags and fatigue sets in. Creatine, a nutrient found mainly in red meat, is a natural compound found in the muscles that combines with phosphate ions to form phosphocreatine. It refuels exhausted muscles by helping to convert ADP back to ATP. Some of the benefits of taking creatine are they increase the reserves of phosphocreatine well beyond what can be achieved with diet alone. Large reserves delay muscle fatigue and speed muscle recovery. In addition, muscle cells hold more water, causing muscles to grow in size as well as strength. Some studies show a decrease in body fat in athletes who use creatine.

Twinlab Creatine Mega Fuel


Click below to see more information about the product and its price.

Creatine Dosage

The original creatine-loading strategy used in the studies of the 1990s was a five-day course. This involved taking 20 g/day creatine in four divided doses of 5 g each. More recent research suggests that lower daily doses over a longer period is just as effective and results in less water maintenance. You could take 3 g creatine/day for 30 days or 6 g/day (in 6 x 1 g doses) for six days.

Creatine appears to be more effective when taken with carbohydrate. That's because carbohydrate stimulates insulin release, which increases creatine uptake by the muscles. The ideal amount of carbohydrate is debatable. Studies at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, have found 34 g carbohydrate to be just as effective as the higher doses (80-100 g) used in previous research. Don't get convinced by supplement manufacturers to buy expensive creatine-carbohydrate supplements - you could end up consuming far too much carbohydrate if you take them on top of your usual meals! Take creatine at your usual meal or snack times (provided they contain at least 34 g carbohydrate). In fact, since protein and carbohydrate taken together stimulate insulin more than carbohydrate alone, this is by far the most effective and cheapest strategy. Drink an extra glass or two of water when loading with creatine to compensate for the increased uptake of water by your muscle cells.

Are there any side effects of Creatine Supplements?

Reports of side effects such as muscle contraction, stomach discomfort, dehydration and muscle and kidney damage have not been proven. In fact, a team of researchers at the School of Biomedical Sciences at Nottingham University analyzed blood samples of volunteers after taking a standard five-day loading dose of creatine followed by a 3 g maintenance dose for nine weeks. They found no evidence of liver, muscle or kidney damage and concluded that creatine has no health risks in healthy people when taken in the recommended doses. The only 'side effect' appears to be water-retention-related weight gain. However, this is associated mainly with the high creatine loading doses (20-30 g/day), and lower loading doses of 6 g/day or less result in very little water maintenance.

For more and detailed infrormation about creatine supplements, their benefits, side effects and much more refer to this cool site on creatine monohydrate.

Body Building supplements-ceratine

What is Creatine and what does it do?

Creatine is used for the purpose of bodybuilding and to increase the lean muscle mass is found in the human body naturally. The Body may also receive it from dietary or food supplements that are rich in Creatine. Creatine is a combination of the three amino acids Arginine, glycine and methionine.

Am I ready to take Creatine and why?

It is solely your OWN decision. Many bodybuilders have used Creatine at one point or another and have benefited from its use.

Should I cycle Creatine?

This is still to be verified scientifically. But it is supposed that helpful effects of Creatine taper off after sometime and cycling can be done to prevent it.

Is Creatine unstable in solution?

YES, this is true. It degrades to become Creatinine eventually which is a useless substance to the human muscles. It is advised that Creatine must not be left dissolved in juice or water for a long period (6-8 hours).

What's the difference between Creatine powder and Creatine serum, and which is better?

This is a point of issue since the time Creatine serum was launched. The main difference is that Creatine serum is a liquid. This is individual specific as some people like Creatine in powdered form and some in liquid form while others opt for Creatine stack which is a combination of both.

Are there adverse side effects of using Creatine?

In acute cases, athletes have complained of gas, diarrhea and bloating with over-usage of Creatine and that was cured itself when the dosage was lowered. No long-term side effects have been proved yet.

Which is the best Creatine to use?

There are several companies that have come up with Creatine in one or another form, beside; this is an individual specific issue. Some popular brands are: American Creatine, AST's Creatine HSC, Prolab Creatine, MuscleTech Cell-Tech, and EAS Phosphagen HP.

How much does Creatine cost?

Price is a good indicator of the quality, but that's not the case always. You may spend approximately $20-$30 for a 500-1000gm container. You can also purchase online to get some discounts and more variety.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the absolute set of the chemical reactions that took place in the living cells. It is the basis of life as it allows the growth and reproduction of the cells. It also maintains the structures of living cells and responds to their respective environment. It is divided into two parts, namely, catabolic reactions that yields energy and anabolic reactions which use the energy generated from the catabolic reactions for the construction of components of cells like nucleic acids and proteins.

Some proteins in the body tend to control the process of chemical reactions of body metabolism and every chemical reaction is simultaneously coordinated with the other functions of the Body. The body witness thousands of metabolic reactions happening at the same time to keep the body cells healthy and in a working state.

What affects metabolism?

There is nothing like growing age, thyroid or hereditary conditions which regulate metabolism in the Body. The more muscle a person has, the more is the amount of calories he burns regardless of his level of activity. Metabolism works for all 24 hours of the day and is a never-ending process. If it ends, the man dies.

Factors affecting Metabolism:

  1. Muscle tissue.
  2. Frequency of meals in a day.
  3. The level of activity.
  4. Choice of food.
  5. Level of body hydration.
  6. Genetics.
  7. Stress and depression.

Ways to increase Metabolism:

  1. Regular exercises.
  2. Brisk walking and workouts.
  3. Healthy lifestyle.
  4. Proper diet and sleep.
  5. Having fresh fruits and vegetables.
  6. Avoid smoking, alcohol, and sedatives.
  7. Yoga and meditation.

When the food is eaten, the enzymes break proteins down into amino acids, fats into fatty acids and then carbohydrates into simple sugar. Both fatty and amino acids can be used as energy sources along with sugar by the body whenever required. These are absorbed into the blood which then transports them to the living cells. After that, several other enzymes act as regulators to the chemical reactions involving metabolizing of these compounds. The energy can then be used by the body or may be stored in tissues of the body.

A bodybuilder who aims to compete at his optimum best requires the enriched diet to help him adjust to fit his personal metabolism. And since the activity level is on a high, his body needs greater metabolism than that of an average man. Studies have revealed that people with high metabolisms who are in a lean state can easily get away with more of the carbohydrates and less of cardiovascular exercise whereas less leaner people with a comparative normal or even a slow metabolism do not need to get any special diet.

The muscles can be strengthened by approximately eight weeks of resistance or functional training. This would also be beneficial in enhancement of the stabilizing joints along with improving body balance and coordination. Metabolism is believed to be reduced by almost 10 percent per decade after the third decade of life and this is due to loss of the metabolically active muscle mass in addition to a parallel increase in the metabolically inert fat deposits.